David Engelberg
David Engelberg
Patvirtintas el. paštas
ROS, stress‐activated kinases and stress signaling in cancer
M Benhar, D Engelberg, A Levitzki
EMBO reports, 2002
Membrane targeting of the nucleotide exchange factor Sos is sufficient for activating the Ras signaling pathway
A Aronheim, D Engelberg, N Li, N Al-Alawi, J Schlessinger, M Karin
Cell 78 (6), 949-961, 1994
Enhanced ROS production in oncogenically transformed cells potentiates c-Jun N-terminal kinase and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and sensitization to …
M Benhar, I Dalyot, D Engelberg, A Levitzki
Molecular and cellular biology 21 (20), 6913-6926, 2001
The UV response involving the Ras signaling pathway and AP-1 transcription factors is conserved between yeast and mammals
D Engelberg, C Klein, H Martinetto, K Struhl, M Karin
Cell 77 (3), 381-390, 1994
Cisplatin-induced activation of the EGF receptor
M Benhar, D Engelberg, A Levitzki
Oncogene 21 (57), 8723-8731, 2002
The yeast ras/cyclic AMP pathway induces invasive growth by suppressing the cellular stress response
A Stanhill, N Schick, D Engelberg
Molecular and cellular biology 19 (11), 7529-7538, 1999
How do protein kinases take a selfie (autophosphorylate)?
J Beenstock, N Mooshayef, D Engelberg
Trends in biochemical sciences 41 (11), 938-953, 2016
Stress-activated protein kinases—tumor suppressors or tumor initiators?
D Engelberg
Seminars in cancer biology 14 (4), 271-282, 2004
UV-responsive genes of Arabidopsis revealed by similarity to the Gcn4-mediated UV response in yeast
S Zimmermann, A Baumann, K Jaekel, I Marbach, D Engelberg, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (24), 17017-17024, 1999
The yeast and mammalian Ras pathways control transcription of heat shock genes independently of heat shock transcription factor
D Engelberg, E Zandi, CS Parker, M Karin
Molecular and cellular biology 14 (7), 4929-4937, 1994
SSeCKS/Gravin/AKAP12 Inhibits Cancer Cell Invasiveness and Chemotaxis by Suppressing a Protein Kinase C-Raf/MEK/ERK Pathway 2
B Su, Y Bu, D Engelberg, IH Gelman
Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (7), 4578-4586, 2010
Isolation of hyperactive mutants of the MAPK p38/Hog1 that are independent of MAPK kinase activation
M Bell, R Capone, I Pashtan, A Levitzki, D Engelberg
Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 (27), 25351-25358, 2001
Structures of p38α active mutants reveal conformational changes in L16 loop that induce autophosphorylation and activation
R Diskin, M Lebendiker, D Engelberg, O Livnah
Journal of molecular biology 365 (1), 66-76, 2007
Active mutants of the human p38α mitogen-activated protein kinase
R Diskin, N Askari, R Capone, D Engelberg, O Livnah
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (45), 47040-47049, 2004
Intrinsically active variants of all human p38 isoforms
M Avitzour, R Diskin, B Raboy, N Askari, D Engelberg, O Livnah
The FEBS journal 274 (4), 963-975, 2007
HSF and Msn2/4p can exclusively or cooperatively activate the yeast HSP104 gene
MR Grably, A Stanhill, O Tell, D Engelberg
Molecular microbiology 44 (1), 21-35, 2002
Combination of Two Activating Mutations in One HOG1 Gene Forms Hyperactive Enzymes That Induce Growth Arrest
G Yaakov, M Bell, S Hohmann, D Engelberg
Molecular and cellular biology 23 (14), 4826-4840, 2003
Isolation of intrinsically active (MEK-independent) variants of the ERK family of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases
V Levin-Salomon, K Kogan, NG Ahn, O Livnah, D Engelberg
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (50), 34500-34510, 2008
Hyperactive variants of p38α induce, whereas hyperactive variants of p38γ suppress, activating protein 1-mediated transcription
N Askari, R Diskin, M Avitzour, R Capone, O Livnah, D Engelberg
Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (1), 91-99, 2007
Transmembrane signaling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model for signaling in metazoans: state of the art after 25 years
D Engelberg, R Perlman, A Levitzki
Cellular signalling 26 (12), 2865-2878, 2014
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