Janina Grabs
The evolution of power in the global coffee value chain and production network
J Grabs, S Ponte
Journal of economic geography 19 (4), 803-828, 2019
Understanding role models for change: a multilevel analysis of success factors of grassroots initiatives for sustainable consumption
J Grabs, N Langen, G Maschkowski, N Schäpke
Journal of Cleaner Production 134, 98-111, 2016
Traders as sustainability governance actors in global food supply chains: A research agenda
J Grabs, SL Carodenuto
Business Strategy and the Environment 30 (2), 1314-1332, 2021
The rebound effects of switching to vegetarianism. A microeconomic analysis of Swedish consumption behavior
J Grabs
Ecological Economics 116, 270-279, 2015
Assessing the institutionalization of private sustainability governance in a changing coffee sector
J Grabs
Regulation & governance 14 (2), 362-387, 2020
Mainstreamed voluntary sustainability standards and their effectiveness: Evidence from the Honduran coffee sector
T Dietz, J Grabs, AE Chong
Regulation & Governance 15 (2), 333-355, 2021
How effective is multiple certification in improving the economic conditions of smallholder farmers? Evidence from an impact evaluation in Colombia’s Coffee Belt
T Dietz, A Estrella Chong, J Grabs, B Kilian
The Journal of Development Studies 56 (6), 1141-1160, 2020
The voluntary coffee standard index (VOCSI). Developing a composite index to assess and compare the strength of mainstream voluntary sustainability standards in the global …
T Dietz, J Auffenberg, AE Chong, J Grabs, B Kilian
Ecological economics 150, 72-87, 2018
Designing effective and equitable zero-deforestation supply chain policies
J Grabs, F Cammelli, SA Levy, RD Garrett
Global Environmental Change 70, 102357, 2021
Private regulation, public policy, and the perils of adverse ontological selection
J Grabs, G Auld, B Cashore
Regulation & Governance 15 (4), 1183-1208, 2021
Selling sustainability short?: The private governance of labor and the environment in the coffee sector
J Grabs
Cambridge University Press, 2020
Additionality and implementation gaps in voluntary sustainability standards
T Dietz, J Grabs
New political economy 27 (2), 203-224, 2022
Understanding coffee certification dynamics: A spatial analysis of voluntary sustainability standard proliferation
J Grabs, B Kilian, DC Hernández, T Dietz
International food and agribusiness management review 19 (3), 31-56, 2016
Should payments for environmental services be used to implement zero-deforestation supply chain policies? The case of soy in the Brazilian Cerrado
RD Garrett, J Grabs, F Cammelli, F Gollnow, SA Levy
World Development 152, 105814, 2022
The rise of buyer-driven sustainability governance: emerging trends in the global coffee sector
J Grabs
ZenTra Working Paper in Transnational Studies, 2017
Women’s empowerment in rural Honduras and its determinants: insights from coffee communities in Ocotepeque and Copan
T Dietz, A Estrella Chong, P Font Gilabert, J Grabs
Development in Practice 28 (1), 33-50, 2018
Goal-based private sustainability governance and its paradoxes in the Indonesian palm oil sector
J Grabs, RD Garrett
Journal of Business Ethics 188 (3), 467-507, 2023
Effectiveness-equity tradeoffs in enforcing exclusionary supply chain policies: Lessons from the Amazonian cattle sector
F Cammelli, SA Levy, J Grabs, JF Valentim, RD Garrett
Journal of Cleaner Production 332, 130031, 2022
The role of midstream actors in advancing the sustainability of agri-food supply chains
J Grabs, S Carodenuto, K Jespersen, MA Adams, MA Camacho, G Celi, ...
Nature Sustainability 7 (5), 527-535, 2024
Signaling Southern sustainability: When do actors use private or public regulatory authority to market tropical commodities?
J Grabs
Journal of Environmental Management 285, 112053, 2021
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