Genoveva Staykova
Genoveva Staykova
Assoc. Prof. PhD - Agricultural institute - Shumen, Agricultural Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Yeast cultures in ruminant nutrition
G Beev, P Todorova, S Tchobanova
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 13, 357-374, 2007
Dietary essential oils improve feed efficiency and hepatic antioxidant content of broiler chickens
V Pirgozliev, SC Mansbridge, SP Rose, AM Mackenzie, A Beccaccia, ...
Animal 13 (3), 502-508, 2019
Feeding dihydroquercetin and vitamin E to broiler chickens reared at standard and high ambient temperatures
JHS Vasil Pirgozliev, Conor Westbrook, Sarah Woods, Stephen Charles ...
Archives of Animal Nutrition (1477-2817), 1-16, 2020
Feeding dihydroquercetin and vitamin E to broiler chickens reared at standard and high ambient temperatures
V Pirgozliev, C Westbrook, S Woods, SC Mansbridge, P Rose, I Whiting, ...
BioRxiv, 2020
Evaluation of the main productive traits of Ile de France sheep in Bulgaria
AEG Staykova
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 25 (Supplement 1), 69-72, 2019
Nutrient availability of different batches of wheat distillers dried grains with solubles with and without exogenous enzymes for broiler chickens
IM Whiting, V Pirgozliev, SP Rose, J Wilson, AM Amerah, SG Ivanova, ...
Poultry Science 96 (3), 574-580, 2017
Nutritional value of raw and micronised field beans (Vicia faba L. var. minor) with and without enzyme supplementation containing tannase for growing chickens
JM Abdulla, SP Rose, AM Mackenzie, SG Ivanova, GP Staykova, ...
Archives of Animal Nutrition 70 (5), 350-363, 2016
Present status, development and productivity of Bulgarian fine fleece of sheep breeds in some herds of Agricultural Academy
N Stancheva, P Slavova, S Laleva, J Krustanov, M Iliev, G Staikova, ...
Animal Science 5, 62-71, 2015
Staykova G. , N. Stancheva, I. Dimitrova
Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry 52 (5), 81 - 89, 2015
Physicochemical composition, properties, and technological characteristics of sheep milk from the Bulgarian dairy synthetic population
N Stancheva, N Naydenova, G Staikova
Macedonian Journal of Animal Science 1 (1), 73-76, 2011
Effect of some factors on the live weight in sheep at different ages from the northeast bulgarian fine fleece breed–shumen type
G Staikova, N Stancheva
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 15 (4), 365-372, 2009
Effect of some factors on the wool yield and staple length at different ages in sheep from the Northeast Bulgarian Fine Fleece Breed-Shumen type
G Staikova, N Stancheva
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 15 (5), 463-470, 2009
Phosphorus utilisation and growth performance of broiler chicken fed diets containing graded levels of supplementary myo-inositol with and without exogenous phytase
VR Pirgozliev, MR Bedford, SP Rose, IM Whiting, OO Oluwatosin, AO Oso, ...
Journal of World's Poultry Research 7 (1), 1-7, 2017
Effect of Different Sources of Specific Variance on Fertility of Ile-de-France Sheep in Bulgaria
SGE Achkakanova
Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans 22 (3), 1-10, 2019
Characteristics of the Karakachan sheep breed reared under different conditions
T Odzhakova, G Staykova, P Todorov
Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science 64 (1), 63-68, 2021
Study on the value of the productive traits in sheep from the Karakachan breed and the Copper-Red Shumen strain
G Staykova
Shumen, Bulgaria, 2005
Genetic structure of the sheep from the Shumen inbreeding type of north-east Bulgarian merino sheep.
N Stancheva, P Slavova, G Kalaydhziev, T Angelova, D Yordanova, ...
Interrelationship between body condition score at different physiological statuses and some economic traits in the Caucasian sheep breed
G Staykova, P Penchev, N Stancheva
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 19 (5), 1105-1111, 2013
Assessment of level of fear susceptibility during machine milking in dairy sheep of different ages and temperament
I Dimitrov, N Stancheva, G Stajkova, J Peeva, V Vasilev, A Apostolov
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science (Bulgaria) 18 (4), 2012
Effect of Different Sources of Specific Variance on Live Weight and Daily Gain of Ile-de-France Sheep in Bulgaria
AEG Staykova
Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans 22 (2), 37-49, 2019
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