Sukanta Bhattacharjee
Sukanta Bhattacharjee
Dept. of CSE, IIT Guwahati
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Dilution and Mixing Algorithms for Flow-Based Microfluidic Biochips
S Bhattacharjee, S Poddar, S Roy, JD Huang, BB Bhattacharya
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2016
On-chip sample preparation for multiple targets using digital microfluidics
D Mitra, S Roy, S Bhattacharjee, K Chakrabarty, BB Bhattacharya
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2014
Locking of biochemical assays for digital microfluidic biochips
S Bhattacharjee, J Tang, M Ibrahim, K Chakrabarty, R Karri
2018 IEEE 23rd European Test Symposium (ETS), 1-6, 2018
Bio-protocol watermarking on digital microfluidic biochips
M Shayan, S Bhattacharjee, J Tang, K Chakrabarty, R Karri
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14 (11), 2901-2915, 2019
Sample preparation with multiple dilutions on digital microfluidic biochips
S Bhattacharjee, A Banerjee, BB Bhattacharya
IET Computers & Digital Techniques 8 (1), 49-58, 2014
Correctness checking of bio-chemical protocol realizations on a digital microfluidic biochip
S Bhattacharjee, A Banerjee, K Chakrabarty, BB Bhattacharya
2014 27th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2014 13th …, 2014
How secure are checkpoint-based defenses in digital microfluidic biochips?
M Shayan, S Bhattacharjee, R Wille, K Chakrabarty, R Karri
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2020
Toward secure microfluidic fully programmable valve array biochips
M Shayan, S Bhattacharjee, YA Song, K Chakrabarty, R Karri
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 27 (12 …, 2019
Optimization of multi-target sample preparation on-demand with digital microfluidic biochips
S Poddar, S Bhattacharjee, SC Nandy, K Chakrabarty, BB Bhattacharya
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2018
On producing linear dilution gradient of a sample with a digital microfluidic biochip
S Bhattacharjee, A Banerjee, TY Ho, K Chakrabarty, BB Bhattacharya
2013 International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 77-81, 2013
Structural attacks and defenses for flow-based microfluidic biochips
NS Baban, S Saha, A Orozaliev, J Kim, S Bhattacharjee, YA Song, R Karri, ...
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 16 (6), 1261-1275, 2022
Desieve the attacker: Thwarting ip theft in sieve-valve-based biochips
M Shayan, S Bhattacharjee, YA Song, K Chakrabarty, R Karri
2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 210-215, 2019
Shadow attacks on MEDA biochips
M Shayan, S Bhattacharjee, TC Liang, J Tang, K Chakrabarty, R Karri
2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 1-8, 2018
Storage-aware sample preparation using flow-based microfluidic labs-on-chip
S Bhattacharjee, R Wille, JD Huang, BB Bhattacharya
2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE …, 2018
Multiple dilution sample preparation using digital microfluidic biochips
S Bhattacharjee, A Banerjee, BB Bhattacharya
2012 International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED), 188-192, 2012
Thwarting Bio-IP theft through dummy-valve-based obfuscation
M Shayan, S Bhattacharjee, A Orozaliev, YA Song, K Chakrabarty, R Karri
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 2076-2089, 2020
Bio-chemical assay locking to thwart bio-IP theft
S Bhattacharjee, J Tang, S Poddar, M Ibrahim, R Karri, K Chakrabarty
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) 25 (1 …, 2019
Algorithmic challenges in digital microfluidic biochips: Protocols, design, and test
BB Bhattacharya, S Roy, S Bhattacharjee
Applied Algorithms: First International Conference, ICAA 2014, Kolkata …, 2014
Concentration-resilient mixture preparation with digital microfluidic lab-on-chip
S Bhattacharjee, YL Chen, JD Huang, BB Bhattacharya
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 17 (2), 1-12, 2018
Security assessment of microfluidic fully-programmable-valve-array biochips
M Shayan, S Bhattacharjee, YA Song, K Chakrabarty, R Karri
2019 32nd International Conference on VLSI Design and 2019 18th …, 2019
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