Laura Travers
Laura Travers
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Live fast die young life history in females: evolutionary trade-off between early life mating and lifespan in female Drosophila melanogaster
LM Travers, F Garcia-Gonzalez, LW Simmons
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 1-7, 2015
Flexible polyandry in female flies is an adaptive response to infertile males
A Sutter, LM Travers, K Oku, K L. Delaney, S J. Store, TAR Price, N Wedell
Behavioral Ecology 30 (6), 1715-1724, 2019
Combining the high‐dose/refuge strategy and self‐limiting transgenic insects in resistance management‐a test in experimental mesocosms
L Zhou, N Alphey, AS Walker, LM Travers, F Hasan, NI Morrison, ...
Evolutionary Applications, 2017
Genetic integration of behavioural and endocrine components of the stress response
TM Houslay, RL Earley, SJ White, W Lammers, AJ Grimmer, LM Travers, ...
Elife 11, 2022
Beneficial cumulative effects of old parental age on offspring fitness
LM Travers, H Carlsson, MI Lind, AA Maklakov
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1960), 20211843, 2021
Additive genetic variance in polyandry enables its evolution, but polyandry is unlikely to evolve through sexy or good sperm processes
LM Travers, LW Simmons, F Garcia‐Gonzalez
Journal of evolutionary biology 29 (5), 916-928, 2016
Genetic variation but weak genetic covariation between pre‐and post‐copulatory episodes of sexual selection in Drosophila melanogaster
LM Travers, F Garcia‐Gonzalez, LW Simmons
Journal of evolutionary biology 29 (8), 1535-1552, 2016
No selection for change in polyandry under experimental evolution
A Sutter, LM Travers, M Weedon, K Oku, TAR Price, N Wedell
Journal of evolutionary biology 32 (7), 717-730, 2019
The application of self‐limiting transgenic insects in managing resistance in experimental metapopulations
L Zhou, N Alphey, AS Walker, LM Travers, NI Morrison, MB Bonsall, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 56 (3), 688-698, 2019
Lifetime changes in phenotypic expression and evolutionary potential of female mating traits in Drosophila melanogaster
LM Travers, LW Simmons, F Garcia-Gonzalez
Animal Behaviour 121, 147-155, 2016
Runaway Selection
LM Travers
Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior (J. Vonk, T.K. Shackelford), 2017
Evolutionary causes of lifespan extension by dietary restriction: linking theory and mechanisms
LM Travers, H Carlsson, EML Duxbury, AA Maklakov
bioRxiv, 2020
Quantitative genetics of sexually selected traits in Drosophila melanogaster
LM Travers
Population and resistance management with self-limiting transgenic insects
L Zhou, N Alphey, AS Walker, LM Travers, NI Morrison, MB Bonsall, ...
Entomology 2018, 2018
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