Ravindra Gettu
Ravindra Gettu
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Mechanical properties and durability performance of concretes with Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3)
Y Dhandapani, T Sakthivel, M Santhanam, R Gettu, RG Pillai
Cement and Concrete Research 107, 136-151, 2018
Study of the behavior of concrete under triaxial compression
D Sfer, I Carol, R Gettu, G Etse
Journal of engineering mechanics 128 (2), 156-163, 2002
162-TDF (2001) Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete-Uni-axial tension test for steel fibre reinforced concrete
TC Rilem
Materials and Structures 34 (235), 3-6, 0
Rate effects and load relaxation in static fracture of concrete
ZP Bazant, R Gettu
ACI Materials Journal 89 (5), 456-468, 1992
Fracture properties and brittleness of high-strength concrete.
R Gettu, ZP Bazant, ME Karr
ACI Materials Journal 87 (6), 608-618, 1990
On the characterization of flexural toughness in fiber reinforced concretes
VS Gopalaratnam, R Gettu
Cement and concrete composites 17 (3), 239-254, 1995
Service life and life cycle assessment of reinforced concrete systems with limestone calcined clay cement (LC3)
RG Pillai, R Gettu, M Santhanam, S Rengaraju, Y Dhandapani, ...
Cement and Concrete Research 118, 111-119, 2019
Study of the distribution and orientation of fibers in SFRC specimens
R Gettu, DR Gardner, H Saldivar, BE Barragán
Materials and Structures 38, 31-37, 2005
Sustainable materials for 3D concrete printing
S Bhattacherjee, AS Basavaraj, AV Rahul, M Santhanam, R Gettu, ...
Cement and Concrete Composites 122, 104156, 2021
Identification of nonlinear fracture properties from size effect tests and structural analysis based on geometry-dependent R-curves
ZP Bažant, R Gettu, MT Kazemi
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics …, 1991
Influence of shrinkage-reducing admixtures on the reduction of plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete
J Mora-Ruacho, R Gettu, A Aguado
Cement and Concrete Research 39 (3), 141-146, 2009
RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete'-sigma-epsilon-design method-Final Recommendation
L Vandewalle, D Nemegeer, L Balazs, B Barr, J Barros, P Bartos, ...
Materials and Structures 36 (262), 560-567, 2003
Fluidity of cement pastes with mineral admixtures and superplasticizer—a study based on the Marsh cone test
L Agullo, B Toralles-Carbonari, R Gettu, A Aguado
Materials and Structures 32, 479-485, 1999
Influence of supplementary cementitious materials on the sustainability parameters of cements and concretes in the Indian context
R Gettu, A Patel, V Rathi, S Prakasan, AS Basavaraj, S Palaniappan, ...
Materials and Structures 52, 1-11, 2019
Bond behavior of near-surface mounted CFRP laminate strips under monotonic and cyclic loading
JM Sena Cruz, JAO Barros, R Gettu, ÁFM Azevedo
Journal of Composites for Construction 10 (4), 295-303, 2006
Fracture of rock: effect of loading rate
ZP Bažant, B Shang-Ping, G Ravindra
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 45 (3), 393-398, 1993
A study on fresh properties of limestone calcined clay blended cementitious systems
N Nair, KM Haneefa, M Santhanam, R Gettu
Construction and Building Materials 254, 119326, 2020
Uniaxial tension test for steel fibre reinforced concrete––a parametric study
BE Barragán, R Gettu, MA Martı́n, RL Zerbino
Cement and Concrete Composites 25 (7), 767-777, 2003
Optimization and charactrization of high-strength self-compacting concrete
PCC Gomes
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), 2002
Study of the influence of superplasticizers on the hydration of cement paste using nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction techniques
J Roncero, S Valls, R Gettu
Cement and Concrete Research 32 (1), 103-108, 2002
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