Manh-Hung Le
Manh-Hung Le
Assistant Research Scientist, Hydrological Sciences Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Adequacy of satellite-derived precipitation estimate for hydrological modeling in Vietnam basins
MH Le, V Lakshmi, J Bolten, D Du Bui
Journal of Hydrology 586, 124820, 2020
Quantification of global Digital Elevation Model (DEM)–A case study of the newly released NASADEM for a river basin in Central Vietnam
BQ Nguyen, ND Vo, MH Le, QD Nguyen, V Lakshmi, JD Bolten
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 45, 101282, 2023
Meteorological drought forecasting based on climate signals using artificial neural network–a case study in Khanhhoa Province Vietnam
MH Le, GC Perez, D Solomatine, LB Nguyen
Procedia Engineering 154, 1169-1175, 2016
Assessment of drought conditions over Vietnam using standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index, MERRA-2 re-analysis, and dynamic land cover
MH Le, H Kim, H Moon, R Zhang, V Lakshmi, LB Nguyen
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 32, 100767, 2020
Robustness of gridded precipitation products for Vietnam basins using the comprehensive assessment framework of rainfall
MH Le, R Zhang, BQ Nguyen, JD Bolten, V Lakshmi
Atmospheric Research 293, 106923, 2023
Comparison and bias correction of TMPA precipitation products over the lower part of red–Thai Binh River basin of Vietnam
HM Le, JRP Sutton, DD Bui, JD Bolten, V Lakshmi
Remote Sensing 10 (10), 1582, 2018
Assessment of drought conditions over Iraqi transboundary rivers using FLDAS and satellite datasets
R Albarakat, MH Le, V Lakshmi
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 41, 101075, 2022
Land use, climate, and water change in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD) using earth observation and hydrological modeling
A Mondal, MH Le, V Lakshmi
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 42, 101132, 2022
Spatiotemporal characterization of droughts and vegetation response in Northwest Africa from 1981 to 2020
NQ Thi, A Govind, MH Le, NT Linh, TTM Anh, NK Hai, TV Ha
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 26 (3), 393-401, 2023
Assimilation of SMAP products for improving streamflow simulations over tropical climate region—is spatial information more important than temporal information?
MH Le, BQ Nguyen, HT Pham, A Patil, HX Do, R Ramsankaran, JD Bolten, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (7), 1607, 2022
Regional analysis of the 2015–16 Lower Mekong River basin drought using NASA satellite observations
V Lakshmi, MH Le, BD Goffin, J Besnier, HT Pham, HX Do, B Fang, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 46, 101362, 2023
Identifying hydrologic reference stations to understand changes in water resources across Vietnam-a data-driven approach
X Do H, M Le-H, T Le H
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 144-164, 2022
A Comparison of Spatial–Temporal Scale Between Multiscalar Drought Indices in the South Central Region of Vietnam
HM Le, G Corzo, V Medina, VD Mercado, BL Nguyen, DP Solomatine
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Extreme Hydrological Events, 143-169, 2019
Streamflow estimation in ungauged regions using machine learning: Quantifying uncertainties in geographic extrapolation
MH Le, H Kim, S Adam, HX Do, P Beling, V Lakshmi
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2022, 1-24, 2022
Application of Artificial Neural Network and Climate Indices to Drought Forecasting in South-Central Vietnam.
LB Nguyen, MH Le
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 29 (2), 2020
A framework on utilizing of publicly availability stream gauges datasets and deep learning in estimating monthly basin-scale runoff in ungauged regions
MH Le, H Kim, HX Do, PA Beling, V Lakshmi
Advances in Water Resources 188, 104694, 2024
Studying the impact of infilling techniques on drought estimation—A case study in the South Central Region of Vietnam
MH Le, GC Perez, D Solomatine, V Medina
2017 Seventh International Conference on Information Science and Technology …, 2017
Evaluating combinations of rainfall datasets and optimization techniques for improved hydrological predictions using the SWAT+ model
MR Tapas, R Etheridge, MH Le, B Hinckley, V Lakshmi
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 57, 102134, 2025
Future changes in hydro-climatic extremes across Vietnam: Evidence from a semi-distributed hydrological model forced by downscaled CMIP6 climate data
HX Do, TH Le, MH Le, DLT Nguyen, NC Do
Water 16 (5), 674, 2024
A Novel Validation of Satellite Soil Moisture Using SM2RAIN-Derived Rainfall Estimates
SK Do, TND Tran, MH Le, J Bolten, V Lakshmi
Frontiers in Remote Sensing 5, 1474088, 2024
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