Johnatan (Yonatan) Aljadeff
Johnatan (Yonatan) Aljadeff
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Transition to chaos in random networks with cell-type-specific connectivity
J Aljadeff, M Stern, T Sharpee
Physical Review Letters 114 (8), 088101, 2015
Predicting the stability of large structured food webs
S Allesina, J Grilli, G Barabás, S Tang, J Aljadeff, A Maritan
Nature Communications 6, 7842, 2015
Analysis of Neuronal Spike Trains, Deconstructed
J Aljadeff, BJ Lansdell, AL Fairhall, D Kleinfeld
Neuron 91 (2), 221-259, 2016
Synaptic plasticity rules with physiological calcium levels
Y Inglebert, J Aljadeff, N Brunel, D Debanne
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (52), 33639-33648, 2020
Locally ordered representation of 3D space in the entorhinal cortex
G Ginosar, J Aljadeff, Y Burak, H Sompolinsky, L Las, N Ulanovsky
Nature 596 (7872), 404-409, 2021
Multiscale representation of very large environments in the hippocampus of flying bats
T Eliav, SR Maimon, J Aljadeff, M Tsodyks, G Ginosar, L Las, N Ulanovsky
Science 372 (6545), eabg4020, 2021
Cerebellar learning using perturbations
G Bouvier, J Aljadeff, C Clopath, C Bimbard, J Ranft, A Blot, JP Nadal, ...
eLife 7, e31599, 2018
Low-dimensional dynamics of structured random networks
J Aljadeff, D Renfrew, M Vegué, TO Sharpee
Physical Review E 93, 022302, 2016
Eigenvalues of block structured asymmetric random matrices
J Aljadeff, D Renfrew, M Stern
Journal of Mathematical Physics 56 (10), 103502, 2015
Natural switches in behaviour rapidly modulate hippocampal coding
A Sarel, S Palgi, D Blum, J Aljadeff, L Las, N Ulanovsky
Nature 609 (7925), 119-127, 2022
Optimal dynamic coding by mixed-dimensionality neurons in the head-direction system of bats
A Finkelstein, N Ulanovsky, M Tsodyks, J Aljadeff
Nature Communications 9 (1), 3590, 2018
Forgetting leads to chaos in attractor networks
U Pereira-Obilinovic, J Aljadeff, N Brunel
Physical Review X 13 (1), 011009, 2023
The I1307K adenomatous polyposis coli gene variant does not contribute in the assessment of the risk for colorectal cancer in Ashkenazi Jews
H Strul, E Barenboim, M Leshno, M Gartner, R Kariv, E Aljadeff, Y Aljadeff, ...
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 12 (10), 1012-1015, 2003
Valence opponency in peripheral olfactory processing
ST Wu, JY Chen, V Martin, R Ng, Y Zhang, D Grover, RJ Greenspan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (5), e2120134119, 2022
Are grid cells used for navigation? On local metrics, subjective spaces, and black holes
G Ginosar, J Aljadeff, L Las, D Derdikman, N Ulanovsky
Neuron 111 (12), 1858-1875, 2023
Reinforcement learning links spontaneous cortical dopamine impulses to reward
C Foo, A Lozada, J Aljadeff, Y Li, JW Wang, PA Slesinger, D Kleinfeld
Current Biology 31 (18), 4111-4119. e4, 2021
Cortical credit assignment by Hebbian, neuromodulatory and inhibitory plasticity
J Aljadeff, J D'amour, RE Field, RC Froemke, C Clopath
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.00307, 2019
From synapse to network: models of information storage and retrieval in neural circuits
J Aljadeff, M Gillett, UP Obilinovic, N Brunel
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 70, 24-33, 2021
Spike Triggered Covariance in Strongly Correlated Gaussian Stimuli
J Aljadeff, R Segev, MJ Berry II, TO Sharpee
PLoS computational biology 9 (9), e1003206, 2013
Reduced synchronization persistence in neural networks derived from Atm-deficient mice
N Levine-Small, Z Yekutieli, J Aljadeff, S Boccaletti, E Ben-Jacob, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 5, 2011
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