Ralf Tappert
Ralf Tappert
Hyperspectral Intelligence Inc., Lakehead University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The trace element composition of silicate inclusions in diamonds: a review
T Stachel, S Aulbach, GP Brey, JW Harris, I Leost, R Tappert, KSF Viljoen
Lithos 77 (1-4), 1-19, 2004
A new proposal concerning the botanical origin of Baltic amber
AP Wolfe, R Tappert, K Muehlenbachs, M Boudreau, RC McKellar, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1672), 3403-3412, 2009
Bitterfeld amber is not Baltic amber: Three geochemical tests and further constraints on the botanical affinities of succinite
AP Wolfe, RC McKellar, R Tappert, RNS Sodhi, K Muehlenbachs
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 225, 21-32, 2016
The mineral chemistry, near-infrared, and mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy of phengite from the Olympic Dam IOCG deposit, South Australia
MC Tappert, B Rivard, D Giles, R Tappert, A Mauger
Ore Geology Reviews 53, 26-38, 2013
Diamonds from Jagersfontein (South Africa): messengers from the sublithospheric mantle
R Tappert, T Stachel, JW Harris, K Muehlenbachs, T Ludwig, GP Brey
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 150, 505-522, 2005
Subducting oceanic crust: the source of deep diamonds
R Tappert, T Stachel, JW Harris, K Muehlenbachs, T Ludwig, GP Brey
Geology 33 (7), 565-568, 2005
Stable carbon isotopes of C3 plant resins and ambers record changes in atmospheric oxygen since the Triassic
R Tappert, RC McKellar, AP Wolfe, MC Tappert, J Ortega-Blanco, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 121, 240-262, 2013
Diamonds in nature: a guide to rough diamonds
R Tappert, MC Tappert
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Peridotitic diamonds from the Slave and the Kaapvaal cratons—similarities and differences based on a preliminary data set
T Stachel, JW Harris, R Tappert, GP Brey
Lithos 71 (2-4), 489-503, 2003
Mineral inclusions in diamonds from the Panda kimberlite, Slave Province, Canada
R Tappert, T Stachel, JW Harris, N Shimizu, GP Brey
European Journal of Mineralogy 17 (3), 423-440, 2005
Automated drill core logging using visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy: A case study from the Olympic Dam IOCG deposit, South Australia
M Tappert, B Rivard, D Giles, R Tappert, A Mauger
Economic Geology 106 (2), 289-296, 2011
Na Duong (northern Vietnam) – an exceptional window into Eocene ecosystems from Southeast Asia
M Böhme, M Aiglstorfer, PO Antoine, A Erwin, P Havlik, ...
Zitteliana, 120-167, 2013
Deep mantle diamonds from South Australia: A record of Pacific subduction at the Gondwanan margin
R Tappert, J Foden, T Stachel, K Muehlenbachs, M Tappert, K Wills
Geology 37 (1), 43-46, 2009
Correlation of Grassy Lake and Cedar Lake ambers using infrared spectroscopy, stable isotopes, and palaeoentomology
RC McKellar, AP Wolfe, R Tappert, K Muehlenbachs
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 45 (9), 1061-1082, 2008
Characterizing modern and fossil gymnosperm exudates using micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
R Tappert, AP Wolfe, RC McKellar, MC Tappert, K Muehlenbachs
International Journal of Plant Sciences 172 (1), 120-138, 2011
Pristine Early Eocene wood buried deeply in kimberlite from northern Canada
AP Wolfe, AZ Csank, AV Reyes, RC McKellar, R Tappert, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45537, 2012
Insect outbreaks produce distinctive carbon isotope signatures in defensive resins and fossiliferous ambers
RC McKellar, AP Wolfe, K Muehlenbachs, R Tappert, MS Engel, T Cheng, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1722), 3219-3224, 2011
Placer diamonds from Brazil: indicators of the composition of the earth’s mantle and the distance to their kimberlitic sources
R Tappert, T Stachel, JW Harris, K Muehlenbachs, GP Brey
Economic Geology 101 (2), 453-470, 2006
The diamonds of south Australia
R Tappert, J Foden, T Stachel, K Muehlenbachs, M Tappert, K Wills
Lithos 112, 806-821, 2009
Characterizing kimberlite dilution by crustal rocks at the Snap Lake diamond mine (Northwest Territories, Canada) using SWIR (1.90–2.36 μm) and LWIR (8.1–11.1 μm) hyperspectral …
MC Tappert, B Rivard, A Fulop, D Rogge, J Feng, R Tappert, R Stalder
Economic Geology 110, 1375-1387, 2015
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