Jost Sieweke
Recruiting digital talent: The strategic role of recruitment in organisations’ digital transformation
PM Gilch, J Sieweke
German Journal of Human Resource Management 35 (1), 53-82, 2021
Natural experiments in leadership research: An introduction, review, and guidelines
J Sieweke, S Santoni
The Leadership Quarterly 31 (1), 101338, 2020
The Legitimacy of Inequality: Integrating the Perspectives of System Justification and Social Judgment
P Haack, J Sieweke
Journal of Management Studies 55 (3), 486-516, 2018
Pierre Bourdieu in management and organization studies—A citation context analysis and discussion of contributions
J Sieweke
Scandinavian Journal of Management 30 (4), 532-543, 2014
The diffusion of e-participation in public administrations: A systematic literature review
M Steinbach, J Sieweke, S Süß
Journal of organizational computing and electronic commerce 29 (2), 61-95, 2019
Microfoundations and Multi-Level Research on Institutions
P Haack, J Sieweke, L Wessel
Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 2019
The impact of team familiarity and team leader experience on team coordination errors: A panel analysis of professional basketball teams
J Sieweke, B Zhao
Journal of Organizational Behavior 36 (3), 382-402, 2015
Preferred supplier programs for consulting services: An exploratory study of German client companies
J Sieweke, S Birkner, M Mohe
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 18 (3), 123-136, 2012
Imitation and processes of institutionalization–Insights from Bourdieu's theory of practice
J Sieweke
Schmalenbach Business Review 66 (1), 24-42, 2014
The influence of top management team gender diversity on firm performance during stable periods and economic crises: An instrumental variable analysis
J Sieweke, D Bostandzic, SM Smolinski
The Leadership Quarterly 34 (5), 101703, 2023
The cultural embeddedness of professional service purchasing—A comparative study of German and Swedish companies
F Pemer, J Sieweke, A Werr, S Birkner, M Mohe
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 20 (4), 273-285, 2014
Advancing the measurement of organizational legitimacy, reputation, and status: First-order judgments vs second-order judgments—Commentary on “Organizational legitimacy …
P Haack, J Sieweke
Academy of Management Discoveries 6 (1), 153-158, 2020
The relationship between national culture and the use of professional services: Evidence from two cross-country studies
F Pemer, J Sieweke, A Werr
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 24 (4), 314-325, 2018
Audit senior modeling fallibility: The effects of reduced error strain and enhanced error-related self-efficacy on audit juniors' responses to self-discovered errors
C Emby, B Zhao, J Sieweke
Behavioral Research in Accounting 31 (2), 17-30, 2019
The relationship between employees’ objective internal and external pay standing and their job performance: A within-person analysis
J Sieweke, B Köllner, S Süß
Journal of Business and Psychology 32, 533-546, 2017
Online deliberation in academia: Evaluating the quality and legitimacy of cooperatively developed university regulations
T Escher, D Friess, K Esau, J Sieweke, U Tranow, S Dischner, ...
Policy & Internet 9 (1), 133-164, 2017
Forschungsevaluation an Universitäten-Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie rechts-und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Fakultäten
J Sieweke, J Muck, S Süß, J Haucap
Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 66 (6), 274-305, 2014
Trainers’ responses to errors matter in trainees’ learning from errors: evidence from two studies
B Zhao, J Seifried, J Sieweke
Journal of Managerial Psychology 33 (3), 279-296, 2018
Kriterien zur Messung der Forschungs-leistung an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Abschlussbericht der AG Leistungsparameter
T Grapatin, J Muck, P Siegers, J Sieweke
Heinrich-Heine-Universität, 2012
Special issue on harnessing exogenous shocks for leadership and management research
P Jacquart, S Santoni, S Schudy, J Sieweke, MC Withers
The Leadership Quarterly 31 (5), 2020
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