Zoë Slote Morris
Zoë Slote Morris
Morris Buscher Associates Ltd
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The answer is 17 years, what is the question: understanding time lags in translational research
ZS Morris, S Wooding, J Grant
Journal of the royal society of medicine 104 (12), 510-520, 2011
The truth about interviewing elites
ZS Morris
Politics 29 (3), 209-217, 2009
What is the evidence base for public involvement in health‐care policy?: results of a systematic scoping review
A Conklin, Z Morris, E Nolte
Health Expectations 18 (2), 153-165, 2015
Health care process modelling: which method when?
GT Jun, J Ward, Z Morris, J Clarkson
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 21 (3), 214-224, 2009
What are drug users looking for when they contact drug services: Abstinence or harm reduction?
N McKeganey, Z Morris, J Neale, M Robertson
Drugs: education, prevention and policy 11 (5), 423-435, 2004
Do patients want to die at home? A systematic review of the UK literature, focused on missing preferences for place of death
S Hoare, ZS Morris, MP Kelly, I Kuhn, S Barclay
PloS one 10 (11), e0142723, 2015
Emergency department crowding: towards an agenda for evidence-based intervention
ZS Morris, A Boyle, K Beniuk, S Robinson
Emergency Medicine Journal 29 (6), 460-466, 2012
Does social marketing provide a framework for changing healthcare practice?
ZS Morris, PJ Clarkson
Health policy 91 (2), 135-141, 2009
Regional migration to and from higher education institutions: Scale, determinants and outcomes
C Belfield, Z Morris
Higher Education Quarterly 53 (3), 240-263, 1999
Collaboration between health services managers and researchers: making a difference?
A Bullock, ZS Morris, C Atwell
Journal of health services research & policy 17 (2_suppl), 2-10, 2012
Development of modelling method selection tool for health services management: From problem structuring methods to modelling and simulation methods
GT Jun, Z Morris, T Eldabi, P Harper, A Naseer, B Patel, JP Clarkson
BMC health services research 11, 1-11, 2011
Involving the public in healthcare policy: an update of the research evidence and proposed evaluation framework
A Conklin, ZS Morris, E Nolte
RAND, 2010
Withdrawal from escalated cocaine self-administration impairs reversal learning by disrupting the effects of negative feedback on reward exploitation: a behavioral and …
P Zhukovsky, M Puaud, B Jupp, J Sala-Bayo, J Alsiö, J Xia, L Searle, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 44 (13), 2163-2173, 2019
Before the citizenship order: a survey of citizenship education practice in England
D Halpern, P John, Z Morris
Journal of Education Policy 17 (2), 217-228, 2002
Drug misuse treatment services in Scotland: predicting outcomes
ZS Morris, M Gannon
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 20 (4), 271-276, 2008
The benefits and costs of continuing professional development (CPD) for general dental practice: a discussion
CR Belfield, ZS Morris, AD Bullock, JW Frame
European Journal of Dental Education 5 (2), 47-52, 2001
Client perceptions of drug treatment services in Scotland
ZS Morris, N McKeganey
Drugs: Education, prevention and policy 14 (1), 49-60, 2007
Understanding hospital admissions close to the end of life (ACE) study
ZS Morris, M Fyfe, N Momen, S Hoare, S Barclay
BMC Health Services Research 13, 1-8, 2013
What are the origins of social capital? Results from a panel survey of young people
P John, Z Morris
British Elections & Parties Review, 94-112, 2022
Compulsory citizenship for the disenfranchised: benchmarking students, schools, and social and political attitudes before the Citizenship Order
ZS Morris, P John, D Halpern
Curriculum journal 14 (2), 181-199, 2003
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