Mazen Musa Arafah
Mazen Musa Arafah
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Inclement weather impacts on freeway traffic stream behavior
H Rakha, M Farzaneh, M Arafeh, E Sterzin
Transportation Research Record 2071 (1), 8-18, 2008
Estimating path travel-time reliability
HA Rakha, I El-Shawarby, M Arafeh, F Dion
2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 236-241, 2006
Trip travel-time reliability: issues and proposed solutions
H Rakha, I El-Shawarby, M Arafeh
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 (4), 232-250, 2010
Calibrating steady-state traffic stream and car-following models using loop detector data
H Rakha, M Arafeh
Transportation Science 44 (2), 151-168, 2010
Using Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology and Discrete Event Simulation to Reduce Patient Discharge Time in King Hussein Cancer Center
M Arafeh, MA Barghash, N Haddad, N Musharbash, D Nashawati, ...
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2018, 18, 2018
Empirical studies on traffic flow in inclement weather
H Rakha, M Farzaneh, M Arafeh, R Hranac, E Sterzin, D Krechmer
Final Report–Phase I 385, 2007
Effective implementation of ISO 50001 energy management system: Applying Lean Six Sigma approach
L Mkhaimer, M Arafeh, A Sakhrieh
International Journal of Engineering Business Management 9, 1-12, 2017
Evaluating alternative truck management strategies along interstate 81
H Rakha, AM Flintsch, K Ahn, I El-Shawarby, M Arafeh
Transportation Research Record 1925 (1), 76-86, 2005
Six Sigma applied to reduce patients' waiting time in a cancer pharmacy
M Arafeh, MA Barghash, E Sallam, A AlSamhouri
International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage 8 (2), 105-124, 2014
Forecasting Spare Parts Demand Using Statistical Analysis
R Hemeimat, L Al-Qatawneh, M Arafeh, S Masoud
American Journal of Operations Research 6 (2), 113-120, 2016
Implementing Lean Six Sigma in a Kuwaiti Private Hospital
D Al-Zain, Y., Alfandi, L., Arafeh, M., Salim, S., Al-Quraini, S., Al-Yaseen ...
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. 32 (7), 2019
The effect of TQM dimensions on the performance of international non-governmental organisations operating in Jordan
FIM Saleh, RJ Sweis, BY Abdelqader, AB Abdallah, M Arafeh
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 21 (4), 443-459, 2017
Modeling inclement weather impacts on traffic stream behavior
H Rakha, M Arafeh, S Park
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 1 (1), 25-47, 2012
A model utilizing the artificial neural network in cost estimation of construction projects in Jordan
D ALtawal, M Arafah, G Sweis
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 28 (9), 2466-2488, 2021
Impact of nanoscale magnetite and zero valent iron on the batch-wise anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and waste-activated sludge
G Kassab, D Khater, F Odeh, K Shatanawi, M Halalsheh, M Arafah, ...
Water 12 (5), 1283, 2020
Safety benefit evaluation of a forward collision warning system: final report
GM Fitch, HA Rakha, M Arafeh, M Blanco, SK Gupta, RP Zimmermann, ...
NHTSA, US Department of Transportation, HS 810 (910), 100, 2008
Healthcare quality maturity assessment model based on quality drivers
N Ramadan, M Arafeh
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 29 (3), 2016
Factors leading to design changes in Jordanian construction projects
LG Gharaibeh, ST Matarneh, M Arafeh, G Sweis
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 70 (4), 893-915, 2021
An improved hybrid algorithm for the set covering problem
S Al-Shihabi, M Arafeh, M Barghash
Computers & Industrial Engineering 85, 328-334, 2015
Linear regression crash prediction models: issues and proposed solutions
H Rakha, M Arafeh, AG Abdel-Salam, F Guo, AM Flintsch
Efficient Transportation and Pavement Systems: Characterization, Mechanisms …, 2008
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