Amalesh Kumar Manna
Amalesh Kumar Manna
Assistant Professor, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar,India
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Imperfect production inventory model with production rate dependent defective rate and advertisement dependent demand
AK Manna, JK Dey, SK Mondal
Computers & Industrial Engineering 104, 9-22, 2017
An application of preservation technology in inventory control system with price dependent demand and partial backlogging
SC Das, AM Zidan, AK Manna, AA Shaikh, AK Bhunia
Alexandria Engineering Journal 59 (3), 1359-1369, 2020
Supply chain coordination model for green product with different payment strategies: A game theoretic approach
PK Ghosh, AK Manna, JK Dey, S Kar
Journal of Cleaner Production 290, 125734, 2021
An inventory model for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with preservation technology and multiple credit periods-based trade credit financing via particle swarm optimization
SC Das, AK Manna, MS Rahman, AA Shaikh, AK Bhunia
Soft Computing 25 (7), 5365-5384, 2021
An application of interval differential equation on a production inventory model with interval‐valued demand via center‐radius optimization technique and particle swarm …
MS Rahman, AK Manna, AA Shaikh, AK Bhunia
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 35 (8), 1280-1326, 2020
Role of serum C-reactive protein and leukocyte count in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in Nepalese population.
CS Agrawal, S Adhikari, M Kumar
morbidity and mortality 6, 9, 2008
Effect of inspection errors on imperfect production inventory model with warranty and price discount dependent demand rate
AK Manna, JK Dey, SK Mondal
RAIRO-Operations Research 54 (4), 1189-1213, 2020
Multi-item EPQ model with learning effect on imperfect production over fuzzy-random planning horizon
AK Manna, B Das, JK Dey, SK Mondal
Journal of Management Analytics 4 (1), 80-110, 2017
Impact of carbon emission on imperfect production inventory system with advance payment base free transportation
AK Manna, B Das, S Tiwari
RAIRO-Operations Research 54 (4), 1103-1117, 2020
Two layers supply chain in an imperfect production inventory model with two storage facilities under reliability consideration
AK Manna, JK Dey, SK Mondal
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 35 (2), 57-73, 2018
Two layers green supply chain imperfect production inventory model under bi-level credit period
AK Manna, B Das, JK Dey, SK Mondal
Tékhne 15 (2), 124-142, 2017
Three-layer supply chain in an imperfect production inventory model with two storage facilities under fuzzy rough environment
AK Manna, JK Dey, SK Mondal
Journal of Uncertainty Analysis and Applications 2 (1), 1-31, 2014
An EOQ model with backordering for perishable items under multiple advanced and delayed payments policies
PK Ghosh, AK Manna, JK Dey, S Kar
Journal of Management Analytics 9 (3), 403-434, 2022
Optimization of a deteriorated two-warehouse inventory problem with all-unit discount and shortages via tournament differential evolution
AK Manna, M Akhtar, AA Shaikh, AK Bhunia
Applied Soft Computing 107, 107388, 2021
Optimization of a non-instantaneous deteriorating inventory problem with time and price dependent demand over finite time horizon via hybrid DESGO algorithm
M Akhtar, AK Manna, AK Bhunia
Expert Systems with Applications 211, 118676, 2023
Two-plant production model with customers’ demand dependent on warranty period of the product and carbon emission level of the manufacturer via different meta-heuristic algorithms
AK Manna, T Benerjee, SP Mondal, AA Shaikh, AK Bhunia
Neural Computing and Applications 33, 14263-14281, 2021
An EPQ model with promotional demand in random planning horizon: population varying genetic algorithm approach
AK Manna, B Das, JK Dey, SK Mondal
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 29, 1515-1531, 2018
A supply chain model for imperfect production system with stochastic lead time demand
RK Mallick, AK Manna, SK Mondal
Journal of Management Analytics 5 (4), 309-333, 2018
Investigation of green production inventory problem with selling price and green level sensitive interval-valued demand via different metaheuristic algorithms
AK Manna, AK Bhunia
Soft Computing 26 (19), 10409-10421, 2022
Modeling of a carbon emitted production inventory system with interval uncertainty via meta-heuristic algorithms
AK Manna, MS Rahman, AA Shaikh, AK Bhunia, I Konstantaras
Applied Mathematical Modelling 106, 343-368, 2022
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