Golshan Javadian
Examining successful Iranian women entrepreneurs: an exploratory study
G Javadian, RP Singh
Gender in management: An international journal 27 (3), 148-164, 2012
Qualitative research in entrepreneurship studies: A state-of-science
G Javadian, C Dobratz, A Gupta, VK Gupta, JA Martin
The Journal of Entrepreneurship 29 (2), 223-258, 2020
The role of trust and communication in fostering followers' self perceptions as leaders
SD Baker, CJ Mathis, S Stites-Doe, G Javadian
Journal of Managerial Issues, 210-230, 2016
The influence of emotional carrying capacity and network ethnic diversity on entrepreneurial self-efficacy: The case of black and white entrepreneurs
G Javadian, TR Opie, S Parise
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 21 (2), 101-122, 2018
Role of entrepreneur gender and management style in influencing perceptions and behaviors of new recruits: Evidence from the Islamic Republic of Iran
VK Gupta, G Javadian, N Jalili
Journal of International Entrepreneurship 12, 85-109, 2014
The impact of bureaucracies and occupational segregation on participation of Iranian women in the workforce
G Javadian, I Y. Addae
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 32 (7), 654-670, 2013
Stereotype threat theory in organizational research: Constructive analysis and future research agenda
RG Swab, G Javadian, VK Gupta, CA Pierce
Group & Organization Management 47 (3), 530-570, 2022
Examining the Impact of Working from Home on a Working Mother's Organizational Commitment: The Mediating Role of Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction.
Y Awotoye, G Javadian, I Kpekpena
Journal of Organizational Psychology 20 (2), 2020
Classics in entrepreneurship research: Enduring insights, future promises
VK Gupta, DK Dutta, G Guo, G Javadian, C Jiang, AE Osorio, ...
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 19 (1), 7-23, 2016
Taking the pulse: state of the (he) art of entrepreneurial emotion research
G Javadian, A Gupta, MD Foo, S Batra, VK Gupta
Group & Organization Management 47 (2), 255-299, 2022
Does it pay to act feminine? A cross-cultural study of gender stereotype endorsement and cognitive legitimacy in the evaluation of new ventures
G Javadian, M Figueroa-Armijos, VK Gupta, M Modarresi, C Dobratz
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 13 (4), 330-352, 2021
Transitional entrepreneurship: unleashing entrepreneurial potential across numerous challenging contexts
G Javadian, A Nair, D Ahlstrom, K Moghaddam, LW Chen, Y Lee
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 26 (2), 78-87, 2023
Bearing the unbearable: Exploring women entrepreneurs resilience building in times of crises
A Bagheri, G Javadian, P Zakeri, Z Arasti
Journal of Business Ethics 193 (3), 715-738, 2024
Toward a comprehensive understanding of stereotype vulnerability and stereotype reactance in organizational settings: The contribution of relative deprivation theory
G Javadian, DB Zoogah
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 7 (3), 403-408, 2014
Breaking the male norm of success: how women entrepreneurs benefit from femininity
G Javadian
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 10646, 2014
Foundational research in entrepreneurship studies
G Javadian, VK Gupta, DK Dutta, GC Guo, AE Osorio, B Ozkazanc-Pan
Statistics 10, 13, 2018
Qualitative Research in Entrepreneurship: Current Research Practices and Suggestions for Future
G Javadian, A Gupta, AR Knights
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 10718, 2016
Narcissistic personality inventory: an assessment of measurement equivalence across countries and gender
I Cozma, G Javadian, VK Gupta, M Canever
Int. J. Manage. Bus 5, 105-121, 2014
Examining gendered variations in the internationalisation of businesses
G Javadian, D Richards
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 19 (2), 126-148, 2020
Rising above: How women's entreprneurial intentions improve through stereotype protection and stereotype boost
G Javadian
Morgan State University, 2014
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