Dr Manohar Rao
Dr Manohar Rao
PerkinElmer India
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Solution processed transition metal sulfides: application as counter electrodes in dye sensitized solar cells (DSCs)
HK Mulmudi, SK Batabyal, M Rao, RR Prabhakar, N Mathews, YM Lam, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (43), 19307-19309, 2011
Tuning electrical properties in amorphous zinc tin oxide thin films for solution processed electronics
RD Chandra, M Rao, K Zhang, RR Prabhakar, C Shi, J Zhang, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (2), 773-777, 2014
Enhanced electron field emission properties of high aspect ratio silicon nanowire–zinc oxide core–shell arrays
VS Kale, RR Prabhakar, SS Pramana, M Rao, CH Sow, KB Jinesh, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (13), 4614-4619, 2012
Defect levels in SnS thin films prepared using chemical spray pyrolysis
TH Sajeesh, KB Jinesh, M Rao, CS Kartha, KP Vijayakumar
physica status solidi (a), 2012
Photocarrier generation in CuxO thin films deposited by radio frequency sputtering
T Viet Pham, M Rao, P Andreasson, Y Peng, J Wang, KB Jinesh
Applied Physics Letters 102 (3), 2013
Studies of Photogenerated Charge Carriers from Donor− Acceptor Interfaces in Organic Field Effect Transistors. Implications for Organic Solar Cells
M Rao, R Ponce Ortiz, A Facchetti, TJ Marks, KS Narayan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (48), 20609-20613, 2010
Fabrication of unipolar graphene field-effect transistors by modifying source and drain electrode interfaces with zinc porphyrin
MA Khaderbad, V Tjoa, M Rao, R Phandripande, S Madhu, J Wei, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 4 (3), 1434-1439, 2012
Evaluation of electrode-semiconductor barrier in transparent top-contact polymer field effect transistors
M Rao, KS Narayan
Applied Physics Letters 92 (22), 2008
Control of single-wall-nanotube field-effect transistors via indirect long-range optically induced processes
KS Narayan, M Rao, R Zhang, P Maniar
Applied physics letters 88 (24), 243507_1-243507_3, 2006
Effect of nitric acid concentration on doping of thin film single-walled carbon nanotubes for electrode application in transparent, flexible dye sensitized solar cells
L Zhang, M Rao, J Kochupurackal, N Mathews, YM Lam, SG Mhaisalkar
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1436, mrss12-1436-k06-03, 2013
Electric-field-induced steering of conducting polymer dispersion in microchannels
KS Narayan, M Rao
Applied physics letters 88 (7), 2006
Studies of charge transfer processes across donor-acceptor interface using a field effect transistor geometry
M Rao, KS Narayan
Applied Physics Letters 95 (18), 2009
Effect of central metal ion on molecular dipole in porphyrin self-assembled monolayers
MA Khaderbad, M Rao, KB Jinesh, R Pandharipande, S Madhu, ...
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 4 (7), 729-732, 2012
Rapid and Reliable PVC Screening in Packaging Material
MR Sushant Jadhav
PerkinElmer Application Note, 2016
Enhanced electron field emission properties of high aspect ratio silicon nanowire-zinc oxide core-shell arrays
RR Prabhakar, M Rao, CH Sow, SG Mhaisalkar, VS Kale, SS Pramana, ...
Effect of central metal ion on molecular dipole in porphyrin self-assembled monolayers
VR Rao
American Scientific Publishers, 2012
Defect levels in SnS thin films prepared using chemical spray pyrolysis
CS Kartha, KP Vijayakumar, M Rao, TH Sajeesh, KB Jinesh
Supporting Information: Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectorscopy (EDS)
VS Kale, RR Prabhakar, SS Pramana, M Rao, CH Sow, KB Jinesh, ...
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