Jonathan Perkins
Jonathan Perkins
Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey
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Synthesis: PLUTONS: Investigating the relationship between pluton growth and volcanism in the Central Andes
ME Pritchard, SL De Silva, G Michelfelder, G Zandt, SR McNutt, ...
Geosphere 14 (3), 954-982, 2018
Surface uplift in the Central Andes driven by growth of the Altiplano Puna Magma Body
JP Perkins, KM Ward, SL De Silva, G Zandt, SL Beck, NJ Finnegan
Nature Communications 7 (1), 13185, 2016
Toward an integrative geological and geophysical view of Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes
MAL Walton, LM Staisch, T Dura, JK Pearl, B Sherrod, J Gomberg, ...
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 49 (1), 367-398, 2021
Control of landslide volume and hazard by glacial stratigraphic architecture, northwest Washington State, USA
JP Perkins, ME Reid, KM Schmidt
Geology 45 (12), 1139-1142, 2017
Unsaturated flow processes and the onset of seasonal deformation in slow‐moving landslides
NJ Finnegan, JP Perkins, AL Nereson, AL Handwerger
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 126 (5), e2020JF005758, 2021
Amplification of bedrock canyon incision by wind
J Perkins, N Finnegan, S de Silva
Nature Geoscience 8 (4), 305-310, 2015
Topographic constraints on magma accumulation below the actively uplifting Uturuncu and Lazufre volcanic centers in the Central Andes
JP Perkins, NJ Finnegan, ST Henderson, TM Rittenour
Geosphere 12 (4), 1078-1096, 2016
Multi‐stage soil‐hydraulic recovery and limited ravel accumulations following the 2017 Nuns and Tubbs wildfires in Northern California
JP Perkins, C Diaz, SC Corbett, C Cerovski‐Darriau, JD Stock, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, e2022JF006591, 2022
Linking mesoscale meteorology with extreme landscape response: Effects of narrow cold frontal rainbands (NCFR)
BD Collins, NS Oakley, JP Perkins, AE East, SC Corbett, BJ Hatchett
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125 (10), e2020JF005675, 2020
Inversions of landslide strength as a proxy for subsurface weathering
S Alberti, B Leshchinsky, J Roering, J Perkins, MJ Olsen
Nature Communications 13 (1), 6049, 2022
Controls on eolian landscape evolution in fractured bedrock
JP Perkins, NJ Finnegan, SL de Silva, MJ Willis
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (21), 12012-12020, 2019
Hunting for landslides from Cascadia's great earthquakes
JP Perkins, JJ Roering, WJ Burns, W Struble, B Black, KM Schmidt, ...
Eos, 2018
Characterizing the scale of regional landslide triggering from storm hydrometeorology
JP Perkins, NS Oakley, BD Collins, SC Corbett, WP Burgess
EGUsphere 2024, 1-32, 2024
Evidence for a positive feedback between shallow groundwater flow and shear failure in an active earthflow
C Murphy, NJ Finnegan, FJ Oberle, JP Perkins
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, EP24B-05, 2018
Glacial legacy and valley relief control on landslide mobility in NW Washington
JP Perkins, KM Schmidt, ME Reid, SL Slaughter
Geological Society of America Abstracts 48, 288025, 2016
Using integrated growth to delineate debris-flow inundation
ME Reid, DL Brien, C Cronkite-Ratcliff, JP Perkins
E3S Web of Conferences 415, 05021, 2023
Portraying runout and inundation from hurricane-induced landslides in Puerto Rico
D Brien, M Reid, C Cronkite-Ratcliff, J Perkins
Geological Society of America Abstracts 53, 368632, 2021
Long-lived large-scale ground deformation caused by a buoyantly rising magma resevoir
R Del Potro, M Diez, C Muller, JP Perkins, NJ Finnegan, J Gottsmann
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, V51E-2742, 2013
Tilted lake shorelines record the onset of motion along the Hilton Creek fault adjacent to Long Valley caldera, CA, USA
JP Perkins, NJ Finnegan, PF Cervelli, JO Langbein
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, EP53B-0614, 2010
Campaign GPS Measurements from 2000-2010 in the Sierra Block South of Long Valley Caldera, CA, USA
PF Cervelli, JO Langbein, JP Perkins, JL Svarc, SE Owen
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, G43A-0833, 2010
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