Fatih Vehbi Celebi
Fatih Vehbi Celebi
Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A comparative study on classification of sleep stage based on EEG signals using feature selection and classification algorithms
B Şen, M Peker, A Çavuşoğlu, FV Çelebi
Journal of medical systems 38, 1-21, 2014
Design of a high precision temperature measurement system based on artificial neural network for different thermocouple types
K Danisman, I Dalkiran, FV Celebi
Measurement 39 (8), 695-700, 2006
A new framework using deep auto-encoder and energy spectral density for medical waveform data classification and processing
AM Karim, MS Güzel, MR Tolun, H Kaya, FV Çelebi
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 39 (1), 148-159, 2019
A new generalized deep learning framework combining sparse autoencoder and Taguchi method for novel data classification and processing
AM Karim, MS Güzel, MR Tolun, H Kaya, FV Çelebi
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2018 (1), 3145947, 2018
Effects of low-level laser therapy and mechanical vibration on orthodontic pain caused by initial archwire
F Celebi, T Turk, AA Bicakci
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 156 (1), 87-93, 2019
A novel hybrid method for determining the depth of anesthesia level: Combining ReliefF feature selection and random forest algorithm (ReliefF+ RF)
M Peker, A Arslan, B Şen, FV Çelebi, A But
2015 international symposium on innovations in intelligent SysTems and …, 2015
Temperature independent length optimization of L-band EDFAs providing flat gain
M Yucel, HH Goktas, FV Celebi
Optik 122 (10), 872-876, 2011
Bidirectional Conditional Insertion Sort algorithm; An efficient progress on the classical insertion sort
AS Mohammed, ŞE Amrahov, FV Çelebi
Future Generation Computer Systems 71, 102-112, 2017
12-14 yaş grubu puberte dönemi spor yapan ve sedanter öğrencilerin posturel ve biyomotor özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması
F Çelebi
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2000
Anomalies prediction in radon time series for earthquake likelihood using machine learning-based ensemble model
AA Mir, FV Çelebi, H Alsolai, SA Qureshi, M Rafique, JS Alzahrani, ...
IEEE Access 10, 37984-37999, 2022
Imputation by feature importance (IBFI): A methodology to envelop machine learning method for imputing missing patterns in time series data
AA Mir, KJ Kearfott, FV Çelebi, M Rafique
PloS one 17 (1), e0262131, 2022
Injection level dependence of the gain, refractive index variation, and alpha (α) parameter in broad-area InGaAs deep quantum-well lasers
FV Celebi, I Dalkiran, K Danisman
Optik 117 (11), 511-515, 2006
Fuzzy traffic control with vehicle-to-everything communication
MA Salman, S Ozdemir, FV Celebi
Sensors 18 (2), 368, 2018
Fransa Millet Meclisi Üzerine
F Çelebi
Yasama Dergisi, 51-84, 2012
Distortion system theory of the two tone small signal input laser diode İki̇-ton küçük i̇şaret gi̇ri̇şli̇ lazer di̇yodun di̇storsi̇yon si̇stem teori̇si̇
F Çelebi, R Yildirim
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 20 (3), 2005
Intermodulation distortion of the single-mode laser-diode
M Schetzen, R Yildirim, F Çelebi
Applied Physics B 93, 837-847, 2008
A different approach to gain computation in laser diodes with respect to different number of quantum-wells
FV Celebi
Optik 116 (8), 375-378, 2005
An alternative work measurement method and its application to a manufacturing industry
M Dağdeviren, E Eraslan, FV Çelebi
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 24 (5), 563-567, 2011
A proposed CAD model based on amplified spontaneous emission spectroscopy
FV Celebi
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 7 (3), 1573-1579, 2005
Modelling of the linewidth enhancement factor with the use of radial basis function network
S Sagiroglu, FV Celebi, K Danisman
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 56 (1), 51-54, 2002
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20