Gnel Gabrielyan
Gnel Gabrielyan
CA Franchise Tax Board - Tax Policy
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Scenario development and foresight analysis: exploring options to inform choices
K Wiebe, M Zurek, S Lord, N Brzezina, G Gabrielyan, J Libertini, A Loch, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 43 (1), 545-570, 2018
Fruit-promoting smarter lunchrooms interventions: results from a cluster RCT
KN Greene, G Gabrielyan, DR Just, B Wansink
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 52 (4), 451-458, 2017
Willingness to Pay for Sensory Attributes in Beer
G Gabrielyan, JJ McCluskey, TL Marsh, CF Ross
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 43 (1), 125-139, 2014
Influencing the food choices of SNAP consumers: Lessons from economics, psychology and marketing
DR Just, G Gabrielyan
Food Policy 79, 309-317, 2018
Food and consumer behavior: why the details matter
DR Just, G Gabrielyan
Agricultural Economics 47 (S1), 73-83, 2016
Can changing the position of online menu items increase selection of fruit and vegetable snacks? A cluster randomized trial within an online canteen ordering system in …
R Wyse, G Gabrielyan, L Wolfenden, S Yoong, J Swigert, T Delaney, ...
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 109 (5), 1422-1430, 2019
Why behavioral economics matters to global food policy
DR Just, G Gabrielyan
Global Food Security 11, 26-33, 2016
Hoppiness is happiness? Under-fertilized hop treatments and consumers’ willingness to pay for beer
G Gabrielyan, TL Marsh, JJ McCluskey, CF Ross
Journal of Wine Economics 13 (2), 160-181, 2018
Adoption of cover crops and its effect on nitrogen use by farmers
G Gabrielyan, S Chintawar, JV Westra
A behavioral intervention increases consumption of a new biofortified food by school children: evidence from a field experiment in Nigeria
DR Just, JJ Okello, G Gabrielyan, S Adekambi, N Kwikiriza, PE Abidin, ...
The European Journal of Development Research, 1-23, 2021
Economic shocks and lottery sales: an examination of Maine State lottery sales
G Gabrielyan, DR Just
Applied Economics 52 (32), 3498-3511, 2020
Who’s adopting the smarter lunchroom approach? Individual characteristics of innovative food service directors
G Gabrielyan, DS Hanks, K Hoy, DR Just, B Wansink
Evaluation and Program Planning 60, 72-80, 2017
The halo effect of biofortification claims on taste inference and purchase intention
T Chen, G Gabrielyan, M Shimizu, P Qing
British Food Journal 123 (9), 2979-2995, 2021
Factors associated with alcoholic beverages consumption in Russia: a discrete choice model
M Yormirzoev, G Gabrielyan
Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 14 (1), 133-139, 2016
Domestic and Export Price Formation of US Hops
G Gabrielyan, TL Marsh
How the Framing of Food Waste Impacts Consumers’ Perception and Measurement of Perceived Household Food Waste.
G Gabrielyan, RD Ruiz, DR Just
The effect of logo visibility on brand recognition and willingness to pay
G Gabrielyan, DR Just
How to make kids eat healthier in school cafeterias: an evidence from smarter lunchrooms program in North East US
DR Just, B Wansink, G Gabrielyan, AS Hanks, A Brumberg
The FASEB Journal 31, 787.6-787.6, 2017
Smarter lunchrooms randomized control trial: results from year 3
K Greene, G Gabrielyan, A Brumberg, J Dollahite, DR Just, B Wansink
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 48 (7), S119-S120, 2016
P19 Smarter Kids Café: Testing Smarter Lunchroom Scorecard Techniques for Childcare
B Wansink, A Brumberg
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 48 (7S), 2016
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