Cristian Andres Aguirre Tellez
Cristian Andres Aguirre Tellez
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Carbono y ecuaciones alométricas para grupos de especies y bosque de tierras bajas, Amazonía Ecuatoriana
ME Cuenca, O Jadán, K Cueva, C Aguirre
Cedamaz 4 (1), 2014
Effect of anti-dots on the magnetic susceptibility in a superconducting long prism
CA Aguirre, MR Joya, J Barba-Ortega
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 186, 250-258, 2017
Desarrollo analítico de las ecuaciones Ginzburg-Landau para películas delgadas superconductoras en presencia de corrientes
CAA Téllez, Q da Silva Martins, JJB Ortega
Revista UIS Ingenierías 18 (2), 213-220, 2019
Mesoscale vortex pinning landscapes in a two component superconductor
CA Aguirre, HB Achic, J Barba-Ortega
Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications 554, 8-14, 2018
Length dependence of the number of phase slip lines in a superconducting strip
JB C. Aguirre, E. Sardella
Solid State Communications 309, 10, 2019
Dimer structure as topological pinning center in a superconducting sample
CA Aguirre, MR Joya, J Barba-Ortega
Revista UIS Ingenierías 19 (1), 109-115, 2020
ZFC process in 2+ 1 and 3+ 1 multi-band superconductor
C Aguirre, AS de Arruda, J Faúndez, J Barba-Ortega
Physica B: Condensed Matter 615, 413032, 2021
Two-band superconducting square with a central defect: Role of the deGennes extrapolation length
TN Jorge, C Aguirre, A de Arruda, J Barba-Ortega
The European Physical Journal B 93, 1-7, 2020
Patrones de comportamiento de 10 especies vegetales del páramo del Parque Nacional Podocarpus ante escenarios de cambio climático
C Aguirre, C Chamba
Universidad Nacional De Loja Área Agropecuaría Y De Recursos Naturales …, 2010
Vortices in a superconducting two-band disk: Role of the Josephson and bi-quadratic coupling
CA Aguirre, QD Martins, J Barba-Ortega
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 581, 1353818, 2021
Approach by Raman and infrared spectroscopy in three vegetable oils from the Brazilian Amazon
QS Martins, CA Aguirre, JLB Faria
Revista mexicana de física 65 (4), 328-332, 2019
Effects of Size, deGennes and Ginzburg–Landau Parameters on the Magnetic Susceptibility of an Isotropic Superconductor
CA Aguirre, JD González, J Barba-Ortega
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 182, 51-60, 2016
Inhomogeneous Ginzburg–Landau Parameter in a 2D Mesoscopic Superconductor
JB C. Aguirre, H. Achic
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 194, 1-14, 2019
Analytical development of Ginzburg-Landau equations for superconducting thin film in presence of currents
CA Aguirre, Q Martins, J Barba-Ortega
Revista UIS Ingeniería 18 (2), 213-220, 2019
Estado de vórtices en un cuadrado superconductor de dos-orbitales con condiciones de contorno mixtas
CAA Tellez, EDV Niño, JJB Ortega
Revista Ingenio 15 (1), 38-43, 2018
Released power in a vortex-antivortex pairs annihilation process
C Aguirre-Tellez, M Rincón-Joya, JJ Barba-Ortega
Revista UIS Ingenierías 20 (1), 153-160, 2021
Vortex state in a superconducting mesoscopic irregular octagon
CA Aguirre, J Faúndez, J Barba-Ortega
Modern Physics Letters B 36 (10), 2250029, 2022
On the vortex matter in a two-band superconducting meso-prism
CA Aguirre, MR Joya, J Barba-Ortega
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 585, 1353867, 2021
Vortex state in a two-condensate superconducting film considering a topological coupling
CA Aguirre, MR Joya, J Barba-Ortega
Modern Physics Letters B 37 (08), 2350001, 2023
Thermo-magnetic signature of a superconducting multi-band square with rough surface
CA Aguirre, J Faundez, SG Magalhães, AS Mosquera-Polo, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 204 (3), 95-110, 2021
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