Bahman Zamani
Bahman Zamani
Associate Professor of Software Engineering, University of Isfahan
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
MEGDroid: A model-driven event generation framework for dynamic android malware analysis
H Hasan, BT Ladani, B Zamani
Information and Software Technology 135, 106569, 2021
Code4Bench: A multidimensional benchmark of Codeforces data for different program analysis techniques
A Majd, M Vahidi-Asl, A Khalilian, A Baraani-Dastjerdi, B Zamani
Journal of Computer Languages 53, 38-52, 2019
VAnDroid: A framework for vulnerability analysis of Android applications using a model‐driven reverse engineering technique
A Nirumand, B Zamani, B Tork Ladani
Software: Practice and Experience 49 (1), 70-99, 2019
Model execution tracing: a systematic mapping study
F Hojaji, T Mayerhofer, B Zamani, A Hamou-Lhadj, E Bousse
Software and Systems Modeling 18, 3461-3485, 2019
EVL+ Strace: a novel bidirectional model transformation approach
L Samimi-Dehkordi, B Zamani, S Kolahdouz-Rahimi
Information and Software Technology 100, 47-72, 2018
Caasset: A framework for model-driven development of context as a service
H Moradi, B Zamani, K Zamanifar
Future Generation Computer Systems 105, 61-95, 2020
A model-driven framework for developing multi-agent systems in emergency response environments
S HoseinDoost, T Adamzadeh, B Zamani, A Fatemi
Software & Systems Modeling 18 (3), 1985-2012, 2019
Towards a formal model of patterns and pattern languages
A Rouhi, B Zamani
Information and Software Technology 79, 1-16, 2016
ALBA: a model-driven framework for the automatic generation of android location-based apps
M Gharaat, M Sharbaf, B Zamani, A Hamou-Lhadj
Automated Software Engineering 28, 1-45, 2021
CGenProg: Adaptation of cartesian genetic programming with migration and opposite guesses for automatic repair of software regression faults
A Khalilian, A Baraani-Dastjerdi, B Zamani
Expert Systems with Applications 169, 114503, 2021
Leveraging product line engineering for the development of domain-specific metamodeling languages
L Samimi-Dehkordi, B Zamani, S Kolahdouz-Rahimi
Journal of Computer Languages 51, 193-213, 2019
Bidirectional Model Transformation Approaches
L Samimi-Dehkordi, B Zamani, S Kolahdouz-Rahimi
2016 6th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering …, 2016
Conflict management techniques for model merging: a systematic mapping review
M Sharbaf, B Zamani, G Sunyé
Software and Systems Modeling 22 (3), 1031-1079, 2023
Automatic generation of business intelligence chatbot for organizations
M Banisharif, A Mazloumzadeh, M Sharbaf, B Zamani
2022 27th International Computer Conference, Computer Society of Iran (CSICC …, 2022
Configurable three‐way model merging
M Sharbaf, B Zamani
Software: Practice and Experience 50 (8), 1565-1599, 2020
Pattern language verification in model driven design
B Zamani, G Butler
Information Sciences 237, 343-355, 2013
On verifying the use of a pattern language in model driven design
B Zamani
Concordia University, 2009
A model-driven approach for iot-based monitoring systems in industry 4.0
M Ziaei, B Zamani, A Bohlooli
2020 4th International Conference on Smart City, Internet of Things and …, 2020
HealMA: A model-driven framework for automatic generation of IoT-based Android health monitoring applications
M Mehrabi, B Zamani, A Hamou-Lhadj
Automated Software Engineering 29 (2), 56, 2022
A formalism for specifying model merging conflicts
M Sharbaf, B Zamani, G Sunyé
Proceedings of the 12th System Analysis and Modelling Conference, 1-10, 2020
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