Cas Smits
Cas Smits
Professor of Audiology / Medical physicist-audiologist | Amsterdam UMC
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Development and validation of an automatic speech-in-noise screening test by telephone
C Smits, TS Kapteyn, T Houtgast
International journal of audiology 43 (1), 15-28, 2004
The association between hearing status and psychosocial health before the age of 70 years: results from an internet-based national survey on hearing
J Nachtegaal, JH Smit, C Smits, PD Bezemer, JHM Van Beek, JM Festen, ...
Ear and hearing 30 (3), 302-312, 2009
The digits-in-noise test: Assessing auditory speech recognition abilities in noise
C Smits, S Theo Goverts, JM Festen
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133 (3), 1693-1706, 2013
Prospective effects of hearing status on loneliness and depression in older persons: identification of subgroups
M Pronk, DJH Deeg, C Smits, TG van Tilburg, DJ Kuik, JM Festen, ...
International journal of audiology 50 (12), 887-896, 2011
How we do it: The Dutch functional hearing–screening tests by telephone and Internet
C Smits, P Merkus, T Houtgast
Clinical otolaryngology 31 (5), 436-440, 2006
Cochlear implant programming: a global survey on the state of the art
B Vaerenberg, C Smits, G De Ceulaer, E Zir, S Harman, N Jaspers, Y Tam, ...
The scientific world journal 2014 (1), 501738, 2014
Telephone screening tests for functionally impaired hearing: Current use in seven countries and development of a US version
CS Watson, GR Kidd, JD Miller, C Smits, LE Humes
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 23 (10), 757-767, 2012
Development and validation of a smartphone-based digits-in-noise hearing test in South African English
JM Potgieter, DW Swanepoel, HC Myburgh, TC Hopper, C Smits
International journal of audiology 55 (7), 405-411, 2016
Results from the Dutch speech-in-noise screening test by telephone
C Smits, T Houtgast
Ear and hearing 26 (1), 89-95, 2005
Speech reception thresholds in noise and self-reported hearing disability in a general adult population
C Smits, SE Kramer, T Houtgast
Ear and hearing 27 (5), 538-549, 2006
The South African English Smartphone Digits-in-Noise Hearing Test: Effect of Age, Hearing Loss, and Speaking Competence.
JM Potgieter, W Swanepoel, HC Myburgh, C Smits
Ear and hearing 39 (4), 656, 2018
Hearing loss in older persons: does the rate of decline affect psychosocial health?
M Pronk, DJH Deeg, C Smits, JW Twisk, TG van Tilburg, JM Festen, ...
Journal of Aging and Health 26 (5), 703-723, 2014
Improving sensitivity of the digits-in-noise test using antiphasic stimuli
KC De Sousa, DW Swanepoel, DR Moore, HC Myburgh, C Smits
Ear and hearing 41 (2), 442-450, 2020
Mobile applications to detect hearing impairment: opportunities and challenges
DW Swanepoel, KC De Sousa, C Smits, DR Moore
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 97 (10), 717, 2019
Decline in older persons’ ability to recognize speech in noise: the influence of demographic, health-related, environmental, and cognitive factors
M Pronk, DJH Deeg, JM Festen, JW Twisk, C Smits, HC Comijs, ...
Ear and hearing 34 (6), 722-732, 2013
Assessing speech recognition abilities with digits in noise in cochlear implant and hearing aid users
MW Kaandorp, C Smits, P Merkus, ST Goverts, JM Festen
International Journal of Audiology 54 (1), 48-57, 2015
Speech Recognition Abilities in Normal-Hearing Children 4 to 12 Years of Age in Stationary and Interrupted Noise
WJA Koopmans, ST Goverts, C Smits
Ear and hearing 39 (6), 1091–1103, 2018
Decision making in advanced otosclerosis: an evidence‐based strategy
P Merkus, MC van Loon, CF Smit, C Smits, AFC de Cock, EF Hensen
The Laryngoscope 121 (9), 1935-1941, 2011
The influence of lexical-access ability and vocabulary knowledge on measures of speech recognition in noise
MW Kaandorp, AMB De Groot, JM Festen, C Smits, ST Goverts
International Journal of Audiology 55 (3), 157-167, 2016
Assessment of hearing in very young children receiving carboplatin for retinoblastoma
C Smits, SJ Swen, ST Goverts, AC Moll, SM Imhof, ...
European Journal of Cancer 42 (4), 492-500, 2006
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