Ehsan Ahmadi
Ehsan Ahmadi
Assistant Professor of Management Science and Analytics, Mercer University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A multi objective optimization approach for flexible job shop scheduling problem under random machine breakdown by evolutionary algorithms
E Ahmadi, M Zandieh, M Farrokh, SM Emami
Computers & operations research 73, 56-66, 2016
A novel robust fuzzy stochastic programming for closed loop supply chain network design under hybrid uncertainty
M Farrokh, A Azar, G Jandaghi, E Ahmadi
Fuzzy sets and systems 341, 69-91, 2018
Inventory management of surgical supplies and sterile instruments in hospitals: a literature review
E Ahmadi, DT Masel, AY Metcalf, K Schuller
Health Systems 8 (2), 134-151, 2019
A hybrid method of 2-TSP and novel learning-based GA for job sequencing and tool switching problem
E Ahmadi, B Goldengorin, GA Süer, H Mosadegh
Applied Soft Computing 65, 214-229, 2018
Pricing and inventory planning for non-instantaneous deteriorating products with greening investment: A case study in beef industry
R Maihami, I Ghalehkhondabi, E Ahmadi
Journal of Cleaner Production 295, 126368, 2021
Intelligent inventory management approaches for perishable pharmaceutical products in a healthcare supply chain
E Ahmadi, H Mosadegh, R Maihami, I Ghalehkhondabi, M Sun, GA Süer
Computers & Operations Research 147, 105968, 2022
Decision making model to predict presence of coronary artery disease using neural network and C5. 0 decision tree
E Ahmadi, GR Weckman, DT Masel
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 9, 999-1011, 2018
An overview of big data analytics application in supply chain management published in 2010-2019
I Ghalehkhondabi, E Ahmadi, R Maihami
Production 30, e20190140, 2020
A robust stochastic decision-making model for inventory allocation of surgical supplies to reduce logistics costs in hospitals: A case study
E Ahmadi, DT Masel, S Hostetler
Operations Research for Health Care 20, 33-44, 2019
A centralized stochastic inventory control model for perishable products considering age-dependent purchase price and lead time
E Ahmadi, DT Masel, S Hostetler, R Maihami, I Ghalehkhondabi
Top 28 (1), 231-269, 2020
Optimal pricing and environmental improvement for a hazardous waste disposal supply chain with emission penalties
I Ghalehkhondabi, R Maihami, E Ahmadi
Utilities Policy 62, 101001, 2020
A machine learning approach to estimation of phase diagrams for three-component lipid mixtures
M Aghaaminiha, SA Ghanadian, E Ahmadi, AM Farnoud
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1862 (9), 183350, 2020
A metaheuristic-based stacking model for predicting the risk of patient no-show and late cancellation for neurology appointments
E Ahmadi, A Garcia-Arce, DT Masel, E Reich, J Puckey, R Maff
IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 9 (3), 272-291, 2019
Solving stochastic shortest distance path problem by using genetic algorithms
E Ahmadi, GA Süer, F Al-Ogaili
Procedia Computer Science 140, 79-86, 2018
A bi-objective optimization approach for configuring surgical trays with ergonomic risk consideration
E Ahmadi, DT Masel, D Schwerha, S Hostetler
IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 9 (4), 327-341, 2019
A Comparison of the neural network approach and the earned value management in predicting final cost and duration of projects
A Alem Tabriz, M Farrokh, E Ahmadi
Journal of Industrial Management Perspective 4 (1), 51-65, 2014
Robust and stable scheduling for FJSP under random machine breakdown by use of genetic algorithm and simulation
M Zandieh, E Ahmadi
Journal of Industrial Management 6 (3), 511-534, 2015
A robust stochastic possibilistic programming model for dynamic supply chain network design with pricing and technology selection decisions
M Farrokh, E Ahmadi, M Sun
Opsearch 60 (3), 1082-1120, 2023
A data-driven decision-making model for configuring surgical trays based on the likelihood of instrument usages
E Ahmadi, DT Masel, S Hostetler
Mathematics 11 (9), 2219, 2023
Optimization-based Decision Support Tools for Managing Surgical Supplies and Sterile Instruments
E Ahmadi
Ohio University, 2019
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