Benjamin M. Bohrer
Benjamin M. Bohrer
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An investigation of the formulation and nutritional composition of modern meat analogue products
BM Bohrer
Food science and human wellness 8 (4), 320-329, 2019
Nutrient density and nutritional value of milk and plant-based milk alternatives
S Chalupa-Krebzdak, CJ Long, BM Bohrer
International dairy journal 87, 84-92, 2018
Nutrient density and nutritional value of meat products and non-meat foods high in protein
BM Bohrer
Trends in Food Science & Technology 65, 103-112, 2017
Protein oxidation in muscle foods: A comprehensive review
R Domínguez, M Pateiro, PES Munekata, W Zhang, P Garcia-Oliveira, ...
Antioxidants 11 (1), 60, 2021
A comprehensive review on cereal β-glucan: Extraction, characterization, causes of degradation, and food application
SMV Mejía, A de Francisco, BM Bohrer
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 60 (21), 3693-3704, 2020
Amino acid concentration of high protein food products and an overview of the current methods used to determine protein quality
S Huang, LM Wang, T Sivendiran, BM Bohrer
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 58 (15), 2673-2678, 2018
Red beetroot. A potential source of natural additives for the meat industry
R Domínguez, PES Munekata, M Pateiro, A Maggiolino, B Bohrer, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (23), 8340, 2020
Enhancing the nutritional value of red meat through genetic and feeding strategies
M Juárez, S Lam, BM Bohrer, MER Dugan, P Vahmani, J Aalhus, ...
Foods 10 (4), 872, 2021
Effects of immunological castration (Improvest) on further processed belly characteristics and commercial bacon slicing yields of finishing pigs
JM Kyle, BM Bohrer, AL Schroeder, RJ Matulis, DD Boler
Journal of Animal Science 92 (9), 4223-4233, 2014
The compositional and functional attributes of commercial flours from tropical fruits (breadfruit and banana)
S Huang, MM Martinez, BM Bohrer
Foods 8 (11), 586, 2019
Effect of feeding ractopamine hydrochloride (Optaflexx) with or without supplemental zinc and chromium propionate on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat …
BM Bohrer, BM Edenburn, DD Boler, AC Dilger, TL Felix
Journal of animal science 92 (9), 3988-3996, 2014
Meta-analysis of the effects of ractopamine hydrochloride on carcass cutability and primal yields of finishing pigs
BM Bohrer, JM Kyle, DD Boler, PJ Rincker, MJ Ritter, SN Carr
Journal of animal science 91 (2), 1015-1023, 2013
Effect of gonadotropin releasing factor suppression with an immunological on growth performance, estrus activity, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of market gilts
BM Bohrer, WL Flowers, JM Kyle, SS Johnson, VL King, JL Spruill, ...
Journal of animal science 92 (10), 4719-4724, 2014
Replacing starch in beef emulsion models with β-glucan, microcrystalline cellulose, or a combination of β-glucan and microcrystalline cellulose
SMV Mejia, A de Francisco, BM Bohrer
Meat Science 153, 58-65, 2019
Incorporation of β-glucans in meat emulsions through an optimal mixture modeling systems
SMV Mejia, A de Francisco, PLM Barreto, C Damian, AW Zibetti, ...
Meat Science 143, 210-218, 2018
Phosphate alternatives for meat processing and challenges for the industry: A critical review
RE Molina, BM Bohrer, SMV Mejia
Food Research International 166, 112624, 2023
Recent discoveries in the field of lipid bio-based ingredients for meat processing
R Domínguez, B Bohrer, PES Munekata, M Pateiro, JM Lorenzo
Molecules 26 (1), 190, 2021
The effect of specialty salts on cooking loss, texture properties, and instrumental color of beef emulsion modeling systems
SMV Mejia, A Shaheen, Z Zhou, D McNeill, BM Bohrer
Meat Science 156, 85-92, 2019
Effects of immunological castration and distiller's dried grains with solubles on carcass cutability and commercial bacon slicing yields of barrows slaughtered at two time points
MA Tavárez, BM Bohrer, MD Asmus, AL Schroeder, RJ Matulis, DD Boler, ...
Journal of animal science 92 (7), 3149-3160, 2014
Improving oxidative stability of foods with apple‐derived polyphenols
O López‐Fernández, BM Bohrer, PES Munekata, R Domínguez, ...
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 21 (1), 296-320, 2022
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