Yann Landon
Yann Landon
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Tolerancing for manufacturing: a three-dimensional model
F Villeneuve, O Legoff, Y Landon
International journal of production research 39 (8), 1625-1648, 2001
Analytical models of composite material drilling
P Rahmé, Y Landon, F Lachaud, R Piquet, P Lagarrigue
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 52, 609-617, 2011
Modelling of cutting forces in orbital drilling of titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V
PA Rey, J LeDref, J Senatore, Y Landon
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 106, 75-88, 2016
Delamination-free drilling of thick composite materials
P Rahme, Y Landon, F Lachaud, R Piquet, P Lagarrigue
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 72, 148-159, 2015
Kinematic modelling of a 3-axis NC machine tool in linear and circular interpolation
X Pessoles, Y Landon, W Rubio
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 47, 639-655, 2010
A coupled in-situ measurement of temperature and kinematic fields in Ti-6Al-4V serrated chip formation at micro-scale
M Harzallah, T Pottier, R Gilblas, Y Landon, M Mousseigne, J Senatore
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 130, 20-35, 2018
Numerical and experimental investigations of Ti-6Al-4V chip generation and thermo-mechanical couplings in orthogonal cutting
M Harzallah, T Pottier, J Senatore, M Mousseigne, G Germain, Y Landon
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 134, 189-202, 2017
A decision support model in mass customization
Y Xu, Y Landon, S Segonds, Y Zhang
Computers & industrial engineering 114, 11-21, 2017
Optimisation of workpiece setup for continuous five-axis milling: application to a five-axis BC type machining centre
X Pessoles, Y Landon, S Segonds, W Rubio
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 65, 67-79, 2013
Topological surface integrity modification of AISI 1038 alloy after vibration-assisted ball burnishing
R Jerez-Mesa, Y Landon, JA Travieso-Rodriguez, G Dessein, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 349, 364-377, 2018
Analytical estimation of error in flank milling of ruled surfaces
J Senatore, Y Landon, W Rubio
Computer-Aided Design 40 (5), 595-603, 2008
Modelling the vibration-assisted drilling process: identification of influential phenomena
M Ladonne, M Cherif, Y Landon, JY K’nevez, O Cahuc, C De Castelbajac
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 81, 1657-1666, 2015
Comprehensive analysis of surface integrity modification of ball-end milled Ti-6Al-4V surfaces through vibration-assisted ball burnishing
R Jerez-Mesa, JA Travieso-Rodríguez, Y Landon, G Dessein, ...
Journal of materials processing technology 267, 230-240, 2019
Thermomechanical coupling investigation in Ti-6Al-4V orthogonal cutting: Experimental and numerical confrontation
M Harzallah, T Pottier, R Gilblas, Y Landon, M Mousseigne, J Senatore
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 169, 105322, 2020
Study of manufacturing defects and tool geometry optimisation for multi-material stack drilling
L Benezech, Y Landon, W Rubio
Advanced Materials Research 423, 1-11, 2012
Tool positioning error (TPE) characterisation in milling
Y Landon, S Segonds, P Lascoumes, P Lagarrigue
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 44 (5), 457-464, 2004
Optimising positioning of the axis of a milling cutter on an offset surface by geometric error minimisation
J Senatore, F Monies, Y Landon, W Rubio
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 37, 861-871, 2008
Predicting the dynamic behaviour of torus milling tools when climb milling using the stability lobes theory
M Mousseigne, Y Landon, S Seguy, G Dessein, JM Redonnet
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 65, 47-57, 2013
Study into causes of damage to carbon epoxy composite material during the drilling process
P Rahme, Y Landon, P Lagarrigue, F Lachaud, R Piquet
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 3 (3-4 …, 2008
Drilling of thick composite material with a small-diameter twist drill
P Rahme, Y Landon, F Lachaud, R Piquet, P Lagarrigue
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 76, 1543-1553, 2015
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