Tian Wu
Tian Wu
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Vehicle ownership analysis based on GDP per capita in China: 1963–2050
T Wu, H Zhao, X Ou
Sustainability 6 (8), 4877-4899, 2014
Spatial differentiation and network externality in pricing mechanism of online car hailing platform
T Wu, M Zhang, X Tian, S Wang, G Hua
International Journal of Production Economics 219, 275-283, 2020
Development and application of an energy use and CO2 emissions reduction evaluation model for China's online car hailing services
T Wu, Q Shen, M Xu, T Peng, X Ou
Energy 154, 298-307, 2018
On neural networks and learning systems for business computing
Y Li, W Jiang, L Yang, T Wu
Neurocomputing 275, 1150-1159, 2018
Life-cycle private costs of hybrid electric vehicles in the current Chinese market
C Lin, T Wu, X Ou, Q Zhang, X Zhang, X Zhang
Energy Policy 55, 501-510, 2013
Life cycle carbon dioxide emissions of bike sharing in China: Production, operation, and recycling
J Chen, D Zhou, Y Zhao, B Wu, T Wu
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 162, 105011, 2020
Application of interpretable machine learning models for the intelligent decision
Y Li, L Yang, B Yang, N Wang, T Wu
Neurocomputing 333, 273-283, 2019
Impact factors of the real-world fuel consumption rate of light duty vehicles in China
T Wu, X Han, MM Zheng, X Ou, H Sun, X Zhang
Energy 190, 116388, 2020
Effects of urban environmental policies on improving firm efficiency: Evidence from Chinese new energy vehicle firms
Y Li, B Zeng, T Wu, H Hao
Journal of Cleaner Production 215, 600-610, 2019
Multilayer perceptron method to estimate real-world fuel consumption rate of light duty vehicles
Y Li, G Tang, J Du, N Zhou, Y Zhao, T Wu
Ieee Access 7, 63395-63402, 2019
Analysis of future vehicle energy demand in China based on a Gompertz function method and computable general equilibrium model
T Wu, M Zhang, X Ou
Energies 7 (11), 7454-7482, 2014
Setting up charging electric stations within residential communities in current China: Gaming of government agencies and property management companies
T Wu, L Ma, Z Mao, X Ou
Energy Policy 77, 216-226, 2015
Do authoritarian governments respond to public opinion on the environment? Evidence from China
X Tang, W Chen, T Wu
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (2), 266, 2018
The lose-lose consequence: Assessing US-China trade decoupling through the lens of global value chains
Y Hu, K Tian, T Wu, C Yang
Management and Organization Review 17 (2), 429-446, 2021
Taxi-hailing platforms: Inform or Assign drivers?
L Sun, RH Teunter, G Hua, T Wu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 142, 197-212, 2020
How vehicle market is segmented and influenced by subsidy policy: A theoretical study
X Chen, T Wu, R Zheng, X Guo
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 118, 776-782, 2018
China’s provincial vehicle ownership forecast and analysis of the causes influencing the trend
L Ma, M Wu, X Tian, G Zheng, Q Du, T Wu
Sustainability 11 (14), 3928, 2019
Interprovincial trade, economic development and the impact on air quality in China
B Zeng, T Wu, X Guo
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 142, 204-214, 2019
Contribution of China's online car-hailing services to its 2050 carbon target: Energy consumption assessment based on the GCAM-SE model
T Wu, S Wang, L Wang, X Tang
Energy Policy 160, 112714, 2022
How hyperbolic discounting preference affects chinese consumers’ consumption choice between conventional and electric vehicles
T Wu, Z Shang, X Tian, S Wang
Energy Policy 97, 400-413, 2016
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