Ted Nace
Ted Nace
Executive Director, Global Energy Monitor
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Gangs of America: The rise of corporate power and the disabling of democracy
T Nace
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2005
Quantifying operational lifetimes for coal power plants under the Paris goals
RY Cui, N Hultman, MR Edwards, L He, A Sen, K Surana, H McJeon, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4759, 2019
The future of coal in a carbon-constrained climate
M Jakob, JC Steckel, F Jotzo, BK Sovacool, L Cornelsen, R Chandra, ...
Nature Climate Change 10 (8), 704-707, 2020
Boom and bust 2017: Tracking the global coal plant pipeline
C Shearer, N Ghio, L Myllyvirta, A Yu, T Nace
CoalSwarm, Sierra Club, Greenpeace International, 2017
Tsunami warning: can China’s Central Authorities stop a massive surge in new coal plants caused by provincial overpermitting
C Shearer, A Yu, T Nace
Report, CoalSwarm, September, 2018
Climate hope: on the front lines of the fight against coal
T Nace
CoalSwarm, 2010
Boom and bust 2016
C Shearer, N Ghio, L Myllyvirta, A Yu, T Nace
Sierra Club, 2016
Out of Step. China Is Driving the Continued Growth of the Global Coal Fleet
C Shearer, A Yu, T Nace
Global Energy Monitor. https://endcoal. org/wp-content/uploads/2019b/11/Out …, 2019
Boom and Bust 2020: Tracking the global coal plant pipeline. GLOBAL ENERGY MONITOR
C Shearer, L Myllyvirta, A Yu, G Aitken, N Mathew-Sha, G Dallos, T Nace
Sierra Club/Greenpeace, 2020
Boom and Bus t 2018: TRACKING the GLOBAL COAL PLANT PIPELINE. CoalSwarm
C Shearer, N Mathew-Shah, L Myllyvirta, A Yu, T Nace
Sierra Club, Greenpeace USA, 2018
Quantifying operational lifetimes for coal power plants under the Paris goals. Nat. Commun. 10, 4759
RY Cui, N Hultman, MR Edwards, L He, A Sen, K Surana, H McJeon, ...
The new gas boom: Tracking global LNG infrastructure
T Nace, L Plant, J Browning
Global Energy Monitor, 2019
Pipeline bubble: Tracking global oil and gas pipelines
J Browning, G Aitken, L Plante, T Nace
Global Energy Monitor. https://globalenergymonitor. org/wp-content/uploads …, 2021
Boom and bust
C Shearer, N Ghio, L Myllyvirta, T Nace
CoalSwarm, Sierra Club, March, 2015
Boom and bust 2017: tracking the global coal plant pipeline. 2017
C Shearer, N Ghio, L Myllyvirta, A Yu, T Nace
URl: http://endcoal. org/wpcontent/uploads/2017/03/BoomBust2017-English …, 2018
Boom and Bust 2020: Tracking the global coal pipeline
C Shearer, L Myllyvirta, A Yu, G Aitken, N Mathew-Shah, G Dallos, T Nace
Global Energy Monitor, Greenpeace International, CREA, and Sierra Club 28, 2020
A coal phase-out pathway for 1.5 C: modeling a coal power phase-out pathway for 2018–2050 at the individual plant level in support of the IPCC’s 1.5 C findings on coal
T Nace
Report by Greenpeace and CoalSwarm, 2018
Pipeline bubble: North America is betting over $1 trillion on a risky fossil infrastructure boom
T Nace, L Plante, J Browning
Global Energy Monitor, 1-14, 2019
A coal phase-out pathway for 1.5 C
T Nace
Coalswarm & Greenpeace. Retrieved from https://www. greenpeace. org …, 2018
Tracking the global coal plant pipeline
C Shearer, N Mathew-Shah, L Myllyvirta, A Yu, T Nace
Boom and Bust 2019, 1-14, 2019
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