Albert S. Kim
Influence of crossflow membrane filter geometry and shear rate on colloidal fouling in reverse osmosis and nanofiltration separations
EMV Hoek, AS Kim, M Elimelech
Environmental Engineering Science 19 (6), 357-372, 2002
A mini-review of modeling studies on membrane bioreactor (MBR) treatment for municipal wastewaters
ANL Ng, AS Kim
Desalination 212 (1-3), 261-281, 2007
Combined fouling of nanofiltration membranes: mechanisms and effect of organic matter
AE Contreras, A Kim, Q Li
Journal of Membrane Science 327 (1-2), 87-95, 2009
Brownian dynamics, molecular dynamics, and Monte Carlo modeling of colloidal systems
JC Chen, AS Kim
Advances in colloid and interface science 112 (1-3), 159-173, 2004
Concentration polarization of interacting solute particles in cross-flow membrane filtration
S Bhattacharjee, AS Kim, M Elimelech
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 212 (1), 81-99, 1999
Prediction of permeate flux decline in crossflow membrane filtration of colloidal suspension: a radial basis function neural network approach
H Chen, AS Kim
Desalination 192 (1-3), 415-428, 2006
Nanofibrous hydrogel-reduced graphene oxide membranes for effective solar-driven interfacial evaporation and desalination
L Zang, L Sun, S Zhang, C Finnerty, A Kim, J Ma, B Mi
Chemical Engineering Journal 422, 129998, 2021
EPS biofouling in membrane filtration: an analytic modeling study
AS Kim, H Chen, R Yuan
Journal of colloid and interface science 303 (1), 243-249, 2006
Diffusive tortuosity factor of solid and soft cake layers: A random walk simulation approach
AS Kim, H Chen
Journal of Membrane Science 279 (1-2), 129-139, 2006
Cake structure in dead-end membrane filtration: Monte Carlo simulations
AS Kim, EMV Hoek
Environmental Engineering Science 19 (6), 373-386, 2002
The permeability of synthetic fractal aggregates with realistic three-dimensional structure
AS Kim, KD Stolzenbach
Journal of colloid and interface science 253 (2), 315-328, 2002
Dual-use open cycle ocean thermal energy conversion (OC-OTEC) using multiple condensers for adjustable power generation and seawater desalination
AS Kim, HJ Kim, HS Lee, S Cha
Renewable energy 85, 344-358, 2016
Hydrodynamics of an ideal aggregate with quadratically increasing permeability
AS Kim, R Yuan
Journal of colloid and interface science 285 (2), 627-633, 2005
Monte Carlo simulation of colloidal membrane filtration: Model development with application to characterization of colloid phase transition
JC Chen, M Elimelech, AS Kim
Journal of Membrane Science 255 (1-2), 291-305, 2005
A new model for calculating specific resistance of aggregated colloidal cake layers in membrane filtration processes
AS Kim, R Yuan
Journal of Membrane Science 249 (1-2), 89-101, 2005
Aggregate formation and collision efficiency in differential settling
AS Kim, KD Stolzenbach
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271 (1), 110-119, 2004
Knudsen diffusion through cylindrical tubes of varying radii: theory and Monte Carlo simulations
Y Shi, YT Lee, AS Kim
Transport in porous media 93, 517-541, 2012
Aberrantly activated Cox-2 and Wnt signaling interact to maintain cancer stem cells in glioblastoma
M Wu, J Guan, C Li, S Gunter, L Nusrat, S Ng, K Dhand, C Morshead, ...
Oncotarget 8 (47), 82217, 2017
Impact of surface porosity on water flux and structural parameter in forward osmosis
W Lee, PK Kang, AS Kim, S Lee
Desalination 439, 46-57, 2018
A two-interface transport model with pore-size distribution for predicting the performance of direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD)
AS Kim
Journal of Membrane Science 428, 410-424, 2013
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