Jeff Muldoon
Jeff Muldoon
Associate Professor, Emporia State School of Business
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Agency theory: the times, they are a-changin’
J Bendickson, J Muldoon, E Liguori, PE Davis
Management decision 54 (1), 174-193, 2016
Agency theory: background and epistemology
J Bendickson, J Muldoon, EW Liguori, PE Davis
Journal of Management History 22 (4), 437-449, 2016
The Hawthorne legacy: A reassessment of the impact of the Hawthorne studies on management scholarship, 1930‐1958
J Muldoon
Journal of Management History 18 (1), 105-119, 2012
High performance work systems: A necessity for startups
JS Bendickson, J Muldoon, EW Liguori, C Midgett
Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive only) 27 (2), 1-12, 2017
Entrepreneurial ecosystem: do you trust or distrust?
J Muldoon, A Bauman, C Lucy
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy …, 2018
Illuminating the principles of social exchange theory with Hawthorne studies
YJ Zoller, J Muldoon
Journal of Management History 25 (1), 47-66, 2019
The sharing economy and sustainability: A case for Airbnb
C Midgett, JS Bendickson, J Muldoon, SJ Solomon
Small Business Institute Journal 13 (2), 51-71, 2018
Do stereotypes of veterans affect chances of employment?
CB Stone, M Lengnick-Hall, J Muldoon
The Psychologist-Manager Journal 21 (1), 1, 2018
The moderating effect of perceived job characteristics on the proactive personality-organizational citizenship behavior relationship
E W. Liguori, B D. McLarty, J Muldoon
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 34 (8), 724-740, 2013
Your boss is the problem and solution: How supervisor-induced hindrance stressors and LMX influence employee job neglect and subsequent performance
BD McLarty, J Muldoon, M Quade, RA King
Journal of Business Research 130, 308-317, 2021
The Hawthorne studies: An analysis of critical perspectives, 1936-1958
J Muldoon
Journal of Management History 23 (1), 74-94, 2017
Agency theory utility and social entrepreneurship: issues of identity and role conflict
PE Davis, JS Bendickson, J Muldoon, WC McDowell
Review of Managerial Science 15, 2299-2318, 2021
Revisiting perspectives on George Homans: correcting misconceptions
J Muldoon, EW Liguori, J Bendickson, A Bauman
Journal of Management History 24 (1), 57-75, 2018
Keeping the peace: An investigation of the interaction between personality, conflict, and competence on organizational citizenship behaviors
J L. Kisamore, E W. Liguori, J Muldoon, IM Jawahar
Career Development International 19 (2), 244-259, 2014
Technological Innovation and the expansion of Entrepreneurship Ecosystems
J Muldoon, EW Liguori, S Solomon, J Bendickson
Review of Managerial Science 17 (5), 1789-1808, 2023
The mediating role of workplace attitudes on the leader–member exchange—Turnover intention relationship.
J Muldoon, SM Keough, S Lovett
The Psychologist-Manager Journal 21 (4), 229, 2018
What is wisdom? The development and validation of a multidimensional measure
DE Schmit, J Muldoon, K Pounders
Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics 9 (2), 39-54, 2012
Reassessing Elton Mayo: clarifying contradictions and context
J Muldoon, J Bendickson, A Bauman, EW Liguori
Journal of Management History 26 (2), 165-185, 2020
The Dark Triad’s incremental influence on entrepreneurial intentions
BD McLarty, V Skorodziyevskiy, J Muldoon
Journal of Small Business Management 61 (4), 2097-2125, 2023
Kurt Lewin: Organizational Change
J Muldoon
The Palgrave Handbook of Management History, 615-632, 2020
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