Dr. Md. Shahbaz Akhtar
Dr. Md. Shahbaz Akhtar
Assistant Professor, DSTTE, Goverment of Bihar
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Fast and secure routing algorithms for quantum key distribution networks
MS Akhtar, G Krishnakumar, B Vishnu, A Sinha
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 31 (5), 2281-2296, 2023
Q-learning-based energy-efficient network planning in IP-over-EON
P Biswas, MS Akhtar, S Saha, S Majhi, A Adhya
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 20 (1), 3-13, 2022
An ILP-based CapEx and OpEx efficient multi-stage TDM/TWDM PON design methodology
MS Akhtar, P Biswas, A Adhya
Optical Fiber Technology 46, 205-214, 2018
Optimal planning and design of SRLG-aware survivable LR-PON for wireless and FTTx networks
J Gupta, MS Akhtar, A Adhya, S Majhi
Computer Networks 194, 108142, 2021
Towards energy-efficient UAV-assisted 5G internet of underwater things
S Verma, S Akhtar, A Adhya, VG Menon
Proceedings of the 5th International ACM Mobicom Workshop on Drone Assisted …, 2022
Cost-efficient mobile backhaul network design over TWDM-PON
MS Akhtar, P Biswas, A Adhya, S Majhi
2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and …, 2020
Cost-optimal architecture design for adaptive multi-stage TWDM-PON with PtP WDM overlay
MS Akhtar, A Adhya, J Gupta, S Majhi
Optical Engineering 60 (1), 015106-015106, 2021
Fronthaul latency and capacity constrained cost-effective and energy-efficient 5G C-RAN deployment
MS Akhtar, J Gupta, MI Alam, S Majhi, A Adhya
Optical Fiber Technology 80, 103392, 2023
EDFA active-sleep transition frequency and EDFA occupancy aware dynamic traffic provisioning for energy-efficient IP-over-EON
P Biswas, A Adhya, S Akhtar, J Gupta, S Majhi
2019 13th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication …, 2019
Design of QoS-aware long-reach optical backhaul for wireless and FTTx networks with enhanced backup resource utilization
J Gupta, MS Akhtar, A Adhya, S Majhi
Optical Fiber Technology 72, 102967, 2022
Heuristic-Based Cost-Efficient C-RAN Fronthaul Deployment Over TWDM-PON
MS Akhtar, J Gupta, P Biswas, A Adhya, S Majhi
2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in …, 2020
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