Sofia Anastácio
Sofia Anastácio
Professor Auxiliar
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Q fever dairy herd status determination based on serological and molecular analysis of bulk tank milk
S Anastácio, N Carolino, K Sidi‐Boumedine, GJ Da Silva
Transboundary and emerging diseases 63 (2), e293-e300, 2016
Serological evidence of exposure to Coxiella burnetii in sheep and goats in central Portugal
S Anastácio, N Tavares, N Carolino, K Sidi-Boumedine, GJ Da Silva
Veterinary Microbiology 167 (3-4), 500-505, 2013
Feline thelaziosis caused by Thelazia callipaeda in Portugal
C Soares, SR Sousa, S Anastácio, MG Matias, I Marquês, S Mascarenhas, ...
Veterinary parasitology 196 (3-4), 528-531, 2013
Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii antibodies in Portuguese dairy cattle herds
L Pimenta, N Alegria, S Anastácio, K Sidi-Boumedine, G Da Silva, ...
Tropical animal health and production 47, 227-230, 2015
Coxiella burnetii in Dogs and Cats from Portugal: Serological and Molecular Analysis
S Anastácio, S Anjos, S Neves, T Neves, P Esteves, H Craveiro, ...
Pathogens 11 (12), 1525, 2022
Role of Goats in the Epidemiology of Coxiella burnetii
S Anastácio, SR de Sousa, MJ Saavedra, GJ da Silva
Biology 11 (12), 1703, 2022
Gastrointestinal parasitism in miranda donkeys: Epidemiology and selective control of strongyles infection in the northeast of Portugal
S Ramalho Sousa, S Anastácio, M Nóvoa, A Paz-Silva, ...
Animals 11 (1), 155, 2021
First molecular characterization of Hypoderma actaeon in cattle and red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Portugal
H Ahmed, SR Sousa, S Simsek, S Anastácio, SG Kilinc
The Korean journal of parasitology 55 (6), 653, 2017
Some emerging canine vector borne diseases and antiparasitic control measures in companion animals in Portugal—recent updates. XVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de …
L Madeira de Carvalho, AM Alho, M Matos, S Sousa, LM Miranda, ...
Proceedings, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 100, 2013
The phlebotomine sand flies of Portugal-XI. Ecology of the leishmaniosis vectors in Alijó municipality, Alto Douro region, 2001
MO Afonso, L Cardoso, S Anastácio, JG Janz, S Semião-Santos, S Sousa, ...
Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 14 (1/2), 19-22, 2007
Investigation of Coxiella burnetii infection in dairy ruminant herds with reproductive disorders in two different regions of Portugal
S Anastácio, D Pessoa, J Pegado, C Cruz, K Sidi-Boumedine, ...
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 18 (s3), 524, 2012
Moellerella wisconsensis: what’s its role in cattle disease
S Anastácio, H Leão
Experimental pathology and health sciences 8, 35-36, 2016
The Principles and Practice of Q Fever
JCC Simões, SF Anastácio, GJ Da Silva
Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated, 2017
Coxiella burnetii and Q fever: an emergent zoonosis in Portugal?
SF Anastácio
PQDT-Global, 2019
Coxielosis in dairy cattle herds: serological and molecular study
P Coelho, E Silveira, G Da Silva, S Anastacio
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 116, S66, 2022
Sars-cov-2 and Coxiella burnetii in female cats from the central region of Portugal
SMA Neves
Estudo retrospectivo de Leptospirose na Região do Baixo Vouga entre 2011 e 2015
JPG da Cruz
Assessing the Occurrence of Carbapenemase Producers Using Marine Animals as Sentinel Species.
M Kameneff, I Marques, T Lima, MJ Saavedra, S Anastácio, GJ Da Silva, ...
Veterinarska stanica 56 (3), 2025
Procjena pojavnosti proizvođača karbapanemaza uporabom morskih životinja kao pokusne vrste
M Kameneff, I Marques, T Lima, MJ Saavedra, S Anastácio, GJ Da Silva, ...
Veterinarska stanica 56 (3), 361-374, 2025
The Complexities of Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis: Insights into Ehrlichia canis and Its Vector Rhipicephalus sanguineus
J Ferrolho, S Antunes, H Vilhena, S Anastácio, SR de Sousa, G Frouco, ...
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20