Kathleen E. Padilla
Kathleen E. Padilla
Assistant Professor, Texas State University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Police legitimacy: Identifying developmental trends and whether youths’ perceptions can be changed
AD Fine, KE Padilla, KE Tom
Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-21, 2022
Can youths’ perceptions of the police be improved? Results of a school-based field evaluation in three jurisdictions.
AD Fine, KE Padilla, J Tapp
Psychology, public policy, and law 25 (4), 303, 2019
Sources and severity of stress in a Southwestern police department
KE Padilla
Occupational medicine 70 (2), 131-134, 2020
Implicate or exonerate? The impact of police body-worn cameras on the adjudication of drug and alcohol cases
MD White, JE Gaub, A Malm, KE Padilla
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 15 (2), 759-769, 2021
Recidivism and relationships: Examining the role of relationships, transitions, and relationship quality in reincarceration
D Wallace, M Larson, L Somers, KE Padilla, R Mays
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 6, 321-352, 2020
Impacts of BWCs on use of force: Directory of outcomes
MD White, JE Gaub, KE Padilla
Retrieved January 8, 2020, 2019
A descriptive study of police officer access to mental health services
KE Padilla
Journal of police and criminal psychology 38 (3), 607-613, 2023
Implementing a police body-worn camera program in a small agency
JE Gaub, MD White, KE Padilla, CM Katz
ASU Center for Violence Prevention and Community Safety 18, 1-18, 2017
The influence of defendant race/ethnicity and police body-worn cameras on traffic case processing
J Huff, MD White, KE Padilla
Race and Justice 13 (3), 346-369, 2023
Can working collaboratively with police on community service promote positive youth development?
AD Fine, KE Padilla, J Tapp
Police practice and research 22 (7), 1739-1759, 2021
Accepting the challenge: understanding police officers’ perceptions of a community-based, youth empowerment program
KE Padilla, KE Tom, AD Fine
Justice evaluation journal 6 (1), 1-19, 2023
Stress and maladaptive coping among police officers
K Padilla
Arizona State University, 2016
A qualitative exploration of stress in a criminal investigations section
KE Padilla, AR Rockwell, J Huff
Replicating & Reproducing Policing Research, 40-56, 2024
Promoting officer health and wellness
ER Maguire, LJ Somers, KE Padilla
Transforming Police 13, 2020
Factors promoting and inhibiting use of wellness resources among police: A mixed methods study
RL Fix, K Papazoglou, KE Padilla, DM Blumberg
Police Quarterly 27 (4), 407-437, 2024
‘The bar is different as a woman’: A thematic analysis of career advice given by female police officers
KE Padilla, K Renfro, J Huff
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 18, paae045, 2024
Three (more) tips to reduce socioeconomic bias in virtual anesthesiology interviews
LE Flores, R Muir, KE Padilla, M Salinas, EM Silver, GR Lorello
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie 68 (8), 1296-1297, 2021
Fighting burnout in the COVID-19 era is a family matter
KE Padilla, EM Silver, LE Flores, R Muir, M Salinas, ER Mariano
Journal of clinical anesthesia 72, 110293, 2021
“Hot, dumpster fire, mess”: Police personnel perceptions of the current state of mental health in law enforcement
KE Padilla, AD Fine
International Journal of Police Science & Management 26 (3), 369-380, 2024
A field on fire: Why has there been so much attention focused on burnout among anesthesiologists?
R Muir, LE Flores, KE Padilla, M Salinas, EM Silver, ER Mariano
Journal of clinical anesthesia 73, 110356, 2021
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