Xavier Gamé
Xavier Gamé
CHU Rangueil, INSERM U1048, TMBI
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A comprehensive review of overactive bladder pathophysiology: on the way to tailored treatment
B Peyronnet, E Mironska, C Chapple, L Cardozo, M Oelke, ...
European urology 75 (6), 988-1000, 2019
Botulinum toxin A (Botox®) intradetrusor injections in adults with neurogenic detrusor overactivity/neurogenic overactive bladder: a systematic literature review
G Karsenty, P Denys, G Amarenco, M De Seze, X Gamé, F Haab, ...
European urology 53 (2), 275-287, 2008
Transcutaneous posterior tibial nerve stimulation for treatment of the overactive bladder syndrome in multiple sclerosis: results of a multicenter prospective study
M de Seze, P Raibaut, P Gallien, A Even‐Schneider, P Denys, ...
Neurourology and urodynamics 30 (3), 306-311, 2011
A multicenter study of the morbidity of radical cystectomy in select elderly patients with bladder cancer
M Soulié, M Straub, X Game, P Seguin, R De Petriconi, P Plante, ...
The Journal of urology 167 (3), 1325-1328, 2002
Radical cystectomy for bladder cancer: morbidity of laparoscopic versus open surgery
J Guillotreau, X Gamé, M Mouzin, N Doumerc, R Mallet, F Sallusto, ...
The Journal of urology 181 (2), 554-559, 2009
Botulinum toxin A detrusor injections in patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity significantly decrease the incidence of symptomatic urinary tract infections
X Gamé, E Castel-Lacanal, Y Bentaleb, I Thiry-Escudié, X De Boissezon, ...
European urology 53 (3), 613-619, 2008
Botulinum toxin-A (Botox®) intradetrusor injections in children with neurogenic detrusor overactivity/neurogenic overactive bladder: a systematic literature review
X Gamé, P Mouracade, E Chartier-Kastler, E Viehweger, R Moog, ...
Journal of pediatric urology 5 (3), 156-164, 2009
Radical cystectomy in patients older than 75 years: assessment of morbidity and mortality
X Gamé, M Soulié, P Seguin, N Vazzoler, C Tollon, F Pontonnier, P Plante
European urology 39 (5), 525-529, 2001
Sacral neuromodulation for treating neurogenic bladder dysfunction: clinical and urodynamic study
W Chaabane, J Guillotreau, E Castel‐lacanal, S Abu‐Anz, ...
Neurourology and urodynamics 30 (4), 547-550, 2011
Evaluation of male sexual function after pelvic trauma by the International Index of Erectile Function
B Malavaud, M Mouzin, JL Tricoire, X Gamé, P Rischmann, JP Sarramon, ...
Urology 55 (6), 842-846, 2000
Long-term effect on quality of life of repeat detrusor injections of botulinum neurotoxin-A for detrusor overactivity in patients with multiple sclerosis
S Khan, X Game, V Kalsi, G Gonzales, J Panicker, S Elneil, A Apostolidis, ...
The Journal of urology 185 (4), 1344-1349, 2011
Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer in kidney transplant recipients
M Mouzin, JM Bachaud, N Kamar, X Gamé, C Vaessen, P Rischmann, ...
Transplantation 78 (10), 1496-1500, 2004
Treatment of neurogenic male urinary incontinence related to intrinsic sphincter insufficiency with an artificial urinary sphincter: a French retrospective multicentre study
EC Kastler, S Genevois, X Gamé, P Denys, F Richard, A Leriche, ...
BJU international 107 (3), 426-432, 2011
Evaluation of sexual function in young men with spina bifida and myelomeningocele using the International Index of Erectile Function
X Gamé, J Moscovici, L Gamé, JP Sarramon, P Rischmann, B Malavaud
Urology 67 (3), 566-570, 2006
Climate-smart actions in the operating theatre for improving sustainability practices: a systematic review
B Pradere, R Mallet, A de La Taille, F Bladou, D Prunet, S Beurrier, ...
European urology 83 (4), 331-342, 2023
Total and free serum prostate specific antigen levels during the first month of acute prostatitis
X Gamé, S Vincendeau, R Palascak, S Milcent, R Fournier, A Houlgatte
European urology 43 (6), 702-705, 2003
Obturator infected hematoma and urethral erosion following transobturator tape implantation
X Game, M Mouzin, C Vaessen, B Malavaud, JP Sarramon, P Rischmann
The Journal of urology 171 (4), 1629-1629, 2004
Anti-human leukocyte antigen immunization after early allograft nephrectomy
A Del Bello, N Congy, F Sallusto, I Cardeau-Desangles, M Fort, ...
Transplantation 93 (9), 936-941, 2012
Congenital pelvic arteriovenous malformation in male patients: a rare cause of urological symptoms and role of embolization
X Game, P Berlizot, T Hassan, F Joffre, S Chokairi, A Houlgatte, ...
European urology 42 (4), 407-412, 2002
Outcomes of laparoscopic and robotic radical cystectomy in the elderly patients
J Guillotreau, R Miocinovic, X Gamé, S Forest, B Malavaud, J Kaouk, ...
Urology 79 (3), 585-590, 2012
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