Harald van der Werff
Harald van der Werff
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Geographic object-based image analysis–towards a new paradigm
T Blaschke, GJ Hay, M Kelly, S Lang, P Hofmann, E Addink, RQ Feitosa, ...
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 87, 180-191, 2014
Multi-and hyperspectral geologic remote sensing: A review
FD Van der Meer, HMA Van der Werff, FJA Van Ruitenbeek, CA Hecker, ...
International journal of applied Earth observation and geoinformation 14 (1 …, 2012
Mapping of heavy metal pollution in stream sediments using combined geochemistry, field spectroscopy, and hyperspectral remote sensing: A case study of the Rodalquilar mining …
E Choe, F van der Meer, F van Ruitenbeek, H van der Werff, B de Smeth, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (7), 3222-3233, 2008
Potential of ESA's Sentinel-2 for geological applications
FD Van der Meer, HMA Van der Werff, FJA Van Ruitenbeek
Remote sensing of environment 148, 124-133, 2014
Geologic remote sensing for geothermal exploration: A review
F van der Meer, C Hecker, F van Ruitenbeek, H van der Werff, ...
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 33 …, 2014
Sentinel-2A MSI and Landsat 8 OLI provide data continuity for geological remote sensing
H Van der Werff, F Van der Meer
Remote sensing 8 (11), 883, 2016
Remote sensing and petroleum seepage: a review and case study
F Van der Meer, P Van Dijk, H Van Der Werff, H Yang
Terra Nova 14 (1), 1-17, 2002
Spatiotemporal landslide detection for the 2005 Kashmir earthquake region
SB Saba, M van der Meijde, H van der Werff
Geomorphology 124 (1-2), 17-25, 2010
Assessing the influence of reference spectra on synthetic SAM classification results
C Hecker, M Van der Meijde, H Van Der Werff, FD Van Der Meer
IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 46 (12), 4162-4172, 2008
Sentinel-2 for mapping iron absorption feature parameters
H Van der Werff, F Van der Meer
Remote sensing 7 (10), 12635-12653, 2015
Shape-based classification of spectrally identical objects
HMA Van der Werff, FD Van der Meer
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 63 (2), 251-258, 2008
Dry season mapping of savanna forage quality, using the hyperspectral Carnegie Airborne Observatory sensor
NM Knox, AK Skidmore, HHT Prins, GP Asner, HMA van der Werff, ...
Remote sensing of environment 115 (6), 1478-1488, 2011
Determination of carbonate rock chemistry using laboratory-based hyperspectral imagery
N Zaini, F Van der Meer, H Van der Werff
Remote sensing 6 (5), 4149-4172, 2014
Spectral and spatial indicators of botanical changes caused by long-term hydrocarbon seepage
MF Noomen, HMA van der Werff, FD van der Meer
Ecological Informatics 8, 55-64, 2012
Effect of grain size and mineral mixing on carbonate absorption features in the SWIR and TIR wavelength regions
N Zaini, F Van der Meer, H Van der Werff
Remote sensing 4 (4), 987-1003, 2012
Mapping the wavelength position of deepest absorption features to explore mineral diversity in hyperspectral images
FJA van Ruitenbeek, WH Bakker, HMA van der Werff, TE Zegers, ...
Planetary and Space Science 101, 108-117, 2014
Landslide inventory and susceptibility modelling using geospatial tools, in Hunza-Nagar valley, northern Pakistan
AS Bacha, M Shafique, H van der Werff
Journal of Mountain Science 15 (6), 1354-1370, 2018
Wavelength feature mapping as a proxy to mineral chemistry for investigating geologic systems: An example from the Rodalquilar epithermal system
F van der Meer, V Kopačková, L Koucká, HMA van der Werff, ...
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 64 …, 2018
Spectral characteristics of clay minerals in the 2.5–14 μm wavelength region
FA Yitagesu, F Van der Meer, H Van der Werff, C Hecker
Applied clay science 53 (4), 581-591, 2011
& Tiede, D.(2014). Geographic object-based image analysis–towards a new paradigm
T Blaschke, GJ Hay, M Kelly, S Lang, P Hofmann, E Addink, RQ Feitosa, ...
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 87, 180-191, 0
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