jens norkaer sorensen
jens norkaer sorensen
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Wind turbine wake aerodynamics
LJ Vermeer, JN Sørensen, A Crespo
Progress in aerospace sciences 39 (6-7), 467-510, 2003
Numerical modeling of wind turbine wakes
JN Sorensen, WZ Shen
J. Fluids Eng. 124 (2), 393-399, 2002
State of the art in wind turbine aerodynamics and aeroelasticity
MOL Hansen, JN Sørensen, S Voutsinas, N Sørensen, HA Madsen
Progress in aerospace sciences 42 (4), 285-330, 2006
Tip loss corrections for wind turbine computations
WZ Shen, R Mikkelsen, JN Sørensen, C Bak
Wind Energy: An International Journal for Progress and Applications in Wind …, 2005
Aerodynamic aspects of wind energy conversion
JN Sørensen
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 43 (1), 427-448, 2011
Long-term research challenges in wind energy–a research agenda by the European Academy of Wind Energy
GAM Van Kuik, J Peinke, R Nijssen, D Lekou, J Mann, JN Sørensen, ...
Wind energy science 1 (1), 1-39, 2016
Numerical simulations of wake characteristics of a wind turbine in uniform inflow
N Troldborg, JN Sorensen, R Mikkelsen
Wind Energy: An International Journal for Progress and Applications in Wind …, 2010
Actuator line simulation of wake of wind turbine operating in turbulent inflow
N Troldborg, JN Sørensen, R Mikkelsen
Journal of physics: conference series 75 (1), 012063, 2007
Analysis of wake states by a full‐field actuator disc model
JN Sørensen, WZ Shen, X Munduate
Wind Energy: An International Journal for Progress and Applications in Wind …, 1998
Unsteady actuator disc model for horizontal axis wind turbines
JN Sørensen, A Myken
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 39 (1-3), 139-149, 1992
Stability of helical tip vortices in a rotor far wake
VL Okulov, JN Sørensen
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 576, 1-25, 2007
A simple atmospheric boundary layer model applied to large eddy simulations of wind turbine wakes
N Troldborg, JN Sørensen, R Mikkelsen, NN Sørensen
Wind Energy 17 (4), 657-669, 2014
Shape optimization of wind turbine blades
W Xudong, WZ Shen, WJ Zhu, JN Sørensen, C Jin
Wind Energy: An International Journal for Progress and Applications in Wind …, 2009
Simulation of wind turbine wakes using the actuator line technique
JN Sørensen, RF Mikkelsen, DS Henningson, S Ivanell, S Sarmast, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
General momentum theory for horizontal axis wind turbines
JN Sørensen
Springer, 2016
Numerical computations of wind turbine wakes
S Ivanell, JN Sørensen, D Henningson
Wind Energy: Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium, 259-263, 2007
A model for unsteady rotor aerodynamics
JN Sørensen, CW Kock
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 58 (3), 259-275, 1995
Numerical simulations of wake interaction between two wind turbines at various inflow conditions
N Troldborg, GC Larsen, HA Madsen, KS Hansen, JN Sørensen, ...
Wind Energy 14 (7), 859-876, 2011
Stability analysis of the tip vortices of a wind turbine
S Ivanell, R Mikkelsen, JN Sørensen, D Henningson
Wind Energy 13 (8), 705-715, 2010
Mutual inductance instability of the tip vortices behind a wind turbine
S Sarmast, R Dadfar, RF Mikkelsen, P Schlatter, S Ivanell, JN Sørensen, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 755, 705-731, 2014
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