Bronwyn Battersby
Bronwyn Battersby
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Lipid-DNA complex formation: reorganization and rupture of lipid vesicles in the presence of DNA as observed by cryoelectron microscopy
S Huebner, BJ Battersby, R Grimm, G Cevc
Biophysical journal 76 (6), 3158-3166, 1999
Toward larger chemical libraries: encoding with fluorescent colloids in combinatorial chemistry
BJ Battersby, D Bryant, W Meutermans, D Matthews, ML Smythe, M Trau
Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (9), 2138-2139, 2000
Device and methods for directed synthesis of chemical libraries
B Battersby, C Miller, M Trau, J Way, A Johnston
US Patent App. 10/283,741, 2003
Novel miniaturized systems in high-throughput screening
BJ Battersby, M Trau
Trends in biotechnology 20 (4), 167-173, 2002
Novel colloidal materials for high‐throughput screening applications in drug discovery and genomics
M Trau, BJ Battersby
Advanced Materials 13 (12‐13), 975-979, 2001
Optical barcoding of colloidal suspensions: applications in genomics, proteomics and drug discovery
BJ Battersby, GA Lawrie, APR Johnston, M Trau
Chemical Communications, 1435-1441, 2002
Evidence for three-dimensional interlayer correlations in cationic lipid-DNA complexes as observed by cryo-electron microscopy
BJ Battersby, R Grimm, S Huebner, G Cevc
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1372 (2), 379-383, 1998
Encoding combinatorial libraries: a novel application of fluorescent silica colloids
L Grøndahl, BJ Battersby, D Bryant, M Trau
Langmuir 16 (25), 9709-9715, 2000
Optical encoding of microbeads for gene screening: alternatives to microarrays
BJ Battersby, GA Lawrie, M Trau
Drug Discovery Today 6, 19-26, 2001
Fluorescent organosilica micro-and nanoparticles with controllable size
R Vogel, PPT Surawski, BN Littleton, CR Miller, GA Lawrie, BJ Battersby, ...
Journal of colloid and interface science 310 (1), 144-150, 2007
Synthesis of optically complex core–shell colloidal suspensions: pathways to multiplexed biological screening
GA Lawrie, BJ Battersby, M Trau
Advanced Functional Materials 13 (11), 887-896, 2003
Porous functionalised silica particles: a potential platform for biomolecular screening
APR Johnston, BJ Battersby, GA Lawrie, M Trau
Chemical Communications, 848-850, 2005
Antifouling surface layers for improved signal-to-noise of particle-based immunoassays
A Chen, D Kozak, BJ Battersby, RM Forrest, N Scholler, N Urban, M Trau
Langmuir 25 (23), 13510-13515, 2009
Vitrification of aqueous suspensions from a controlled environment for electron microscopy: An improved plunge‐cooling device
BJ Battersby, JCW Sharp, RI Webb, GT Barnes
Journal of Microscopy 176 (2), 110-120, 1994
Spreading properties of dimyristoyl phosphatidy1choline at the air/water interface
GA Lawrie, PB Schneider, BJ Battersby, GT Barnes, HK Cammenga
Chemistry and physics of lipids 79 (1), 1-8, 1996
‘On-the-fly’optical encoding of combinatorial peptide libraries for profiling of protease specificity
L Marcon, BJ Battersby, A Rühmann, K Ford, M Daley, GA Lawrie, M Trau
Molecular bioSystems 6 (1), 225-233, 2010
Tailoring surface properties to build colloidal diagnostic devices: Controlling interparticle associations
G Lawrie, L Grøndahl, B Battersby, I Keen, M Lorentzen, P Surawski, ...
Langmuir 22 (1), 497-505, 2006
A structural study of hybrid organosilica materials for colloid-based DNA biosensors
SR Corrie, R Vogel, I Keen, K Jack, D Kozak, GA Lawrie, BJ Battersby, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (5), 523-529, 2008
A mechanism for forming large fluorescent organo-silica particles: Potential supports for combinatorial synthesis
APR Johnston, BJ Battersby, GA Lawrie, LK Lambert, M Trau
Chemistry of materials 18 (26), 6163-6169, 2006
Optically encoded particles and their applications in multiplexed biomedical assays
BJ Battersby, M Trau
Australian journal of chemistry 60 (5), 343-353, 2007
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