Daniel Cohan
Daniel Cohan
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Nonlinear response of ozone to emissions: Source apportionment and sensitivity analysis
DS Cohan, A Hakami, Y Hu, AG Russell
Environmental science & technology 39 (17), 6739-6748, 2005
Meta-analysis of the association between short-term exposure to ambient ozone andrespiratory hospital admissions
M Ji, DS Cohan, ML Bell
Environmental Research Letters 6 (2), 024006, 2011
Decoupled direct 3D sensitivity analysis for particulate matter (DDM-3D/PM)
SL Napelenok, DS Cohan, Y Hu, AG Russell
Atmospheric Environment 40 (32), 6112-6121, 2006
Impact of atmospheric aerosol light scattering and absorption on terrestrial net primary productivity
DS Cohan, J Xu, R Greenwald, MH Bergin, WL Chameides
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16 (4), 37-1-37-12, 2002
The influence of aerosols on crop production: A study using the CERES crop model
R Greenwald, MH Bergin, J Xu, D Cohan, G Hoogenboom, ...
Agricultural systems 89 (2-3), 390-413, 2006
Anthropogenic emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds in eastern Texas inferred from oversampling of satellite (OMI) measurements of HCHO columns
L Zhu, DJ Jacob, LJ Mickley, EA Marais, DS Cohan, Y Yoshida, ...
Environmental Research Letters 9 (11), 114004, 2014
Convective injection and photochemical decay of peroxides in the tropical upper troposphere: Methyl iodide as a tracer of marine convection
DS Cohan, MG Schultz, DJ Jacob, BG Heikes, DR Blake
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D5), 5717-5724, 1999
Dependence of ozone sensitivity analysis on grid resolution
DS Cohan, Y Hu, AG Russell
Atmospheric Environment 40 (1), 126-135, 2006
Extension and evaluation of sensitivity analysis capabilities in a photochemical model
SL Napelenok, DS Cohan, MT Odman, S Tonse
Environmental Modelling & Software 23 (8), 994-999, 2008
Assessing solar and wind complementarity in Texas
JH Slusarewicz, DS Cohan
Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar 5 (1), 1-13, 2018
Air quality response modeling for decision support
DS Cohan, SL Napelenok
Atmosphere 2 (3), 407-425, 2011
An integrated framework for multipollutant air quality management and its application in Georgia
DS Cohan, JW Boylan, A Marmur, MN Khan
Environmental Management 40, 545-554, 2007
Decoupled direct sensitivity analysis of regional ozone pollution over the Pearl River Delta during the PRIDE-PRD2004 campaign
X Wang, Y Zhang, Y Hu, W Zhou, L Zeng, M Hu, DS Cohan, AG Russell
Atmospheric environment 45 (28), 4941-4949, 2011
Highly nonlinear ozone formation in the Houston region and implications for emission controls
X Xiao, DS Cohan, DW Byun, F Ngan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D23), 2010
Sensitivity analysis of ozone formation and transport for a central California air pollution episode
L Jin, S Tonse, DS Cohan, X Mao, RA Harley, NJ Brown
Environmental science & technology 42 (10), 3683-3689, 2008
Observation and modeling of the evolution of Texas power plant plumes
W Zhou, DS Cohan, RW Pinder, JA Neuman, JS Holloway, J Peischl, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (1), 455-468, 2012
Influence of vertical mixing uncertainties on ozone simulation in CMAQ
W Tang, DS Cohan, GA Morris, DW Byun, WT Luke
Atmospheric environment 45 (17), 2898-2909, 2011
Source apportionment of biogenic contributions to ozone formation over the United States
R Zhang, A Cohan, AP Biazar, DS Cohan
Atmospheric environment 164, 8-19, 2017
Slower ozone production in Houston, Texas following emission reductions: evidence from Texas Air Quality Studies in 2000 and 2006
W Zhou, DS Cohan, BH Henderson
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (6), 2777-2788, 2014
Single-source impact analysis using three-dimensional air quality models
MS Bergin, AG Russell, MT Odman, DS Cohan, WL Chameides
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 58 (10), 1351-1359, 2008
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