Claudio Furlan
Claudio Furlan
CEASC University of Padova
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Multiclass HCV resistance to direct‐acting antiviral failure in real‐life patients advocates for tailored second‐line therapies
VC Di Maio, V Cento, I Lenci, M Aragri, P Rossi, S Barbaliscia, M Melis, ...
Liver international 37 (4), 514-528, 2017
Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on proliferative and apoptotic activities and reactive oxygen species generation in mouse fibroblast 3T3/J2 cell line
MT Conconi, S Baiguera, D Guidolin, C Furlan, AM Menti, S Vigolo, ...
Journal of investigative medicine 51 (4), 227-232, 2003
Comparative microbial community composition from secondary carbonate (moonmilk) deposits: implications for the Cansiliella servadeii cave hygropetric food web
A Summers Engel, MG Paoletti, M Beggio, L Dorigo, A Pamio, T Gomiero, ...
International Journal of Speleology 42 (3), 2, 2013
An ATR-FTIR and ESEM study on magnetic tapes for the assessment of the degradation of historical audio recordings
F Bressan, R Bertani, C Furlan, F Simionato, S Canazza
Journal of Cultural Heritage 18, 313-320, 2016
Composition and significance of splenic Gamna-Gandy bodies in sickle cell anemia
A Piccin, H Rizkalla, O Smith, C McMahon, C Furlan, C Murphy, G Negri, ...
Human pathology 43 (7), 1028-1036, 2012
Lithium niobate micromachining for the fabrication of microfluidic droplet generators
G Bettella, G Pozza, S Kroesen, R Zamboni, E Baggio, C Montevecchi, ...
Micromachines 8 (6), 185, 2017
New Nanocomposite Hybrid Inorganic–Organic Proton‐Conducting Membranes Based on Functionalized Silica and PTFE
V Di Noto, M Piga, GA Giffin, E Negro, C Furlan, K Vezzù
ChemSusChem 5 (9), 1758-1766, 2012
Human proximal tubular cells can form calcium phosphate deposits in osteogenic culture: role of cell death and osteoblast-like transdifferentiation
G Priante, M Ceol, L Gianesello, C Furlan, D Del Prete, F Anglani
Cell death discovery 5 (1), 57, 2019
Forensic application of ESEM and XRF-EDS techniques to a fatal case of sodium phosphate enema intoxication
G Viel, G Cecchetto, LD Fabbri, C Furlan, SD Ferrara, M Montisci
International journal of legal medicine 123 (4), 345-350, 2009
Zeolitic inorganic–organic polymer electrolytes: a material based on poly(ethylene glycol) 600, SnCl4 and K4Fe(CN)6
VD Noto, D Barreca, C Furlan, L Armelao
Polymers for Advanced Technologies 11 (3), 108-121, 2000
HCV NS3 sequencing as a reliable and clinically useful tool for the assessment of genotype and resistance mutations for clinical samples with different HCV-RNA levels
VC Di Maio, V Cento, D Di Paolo, M Aragri, F De Leonardis, ...
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 71 (3), 739-750, 2016
Detection of silica particles in lung tissue by environmental scanning electron microscopy
A Fassina, M Corradin, B Murer, C Furlan, A Guolo, L Ventura, M Montisci
Inhalation toxicology 21 (2), 133-140, 2009
Caspase-independent programmed cell death triggers Ca2PO4 deposition in an in vitro model of nephrocalcinosis
G Priante, F Quaggio, L Gianesello, M Ceol, R Cristofaro, L Terrin, ...
Bioscience Reports 38 (1), BSR20171228, 2018
Do gold particles from the Turin Shroud indicate its presence in the Middle East during the Byzantine Empire?
G Fanti, C Furlan
Journal of Cultural Heritage 42, 36-44, 2020
Clinical–pathological findings in two cats with slipped capital femoral epiphysis
M Isola, S Meggiolaro, A Ratto, D Crestani, C Furlan, E Gallo, C Petterino
Comparative Clinical Pathology 19, 107-113, 2010
Morphologic analysis of serous effusion cells by scanning electron microscopy
A Cappellari, C Furlan, P Cardellini, M Bagarella, G Corradi
Tumori Journal 78 (1), 10-12, 1992
A Bronze Age lip-paint from southeastern Iran
N Eskandari, E De Carlo, F Zorzi, S Dall’Acqua, C Furlan, G Artioli, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 2670, 2024
Nutrient contents assessment in a cloud forest terrestrial isopod (Ischioscia variegata), using a non-destructive method, X-Ray Fluorescence. Higher P and Ca in the isopods …
MG Paoletti, C Furlan
Applied Soil Ecology 123, 469-477, 2018
Caratterizzazione chimica di reperti solidi provenienti dalla tomba di Tartini
V DI NOTO, C Furlan, S Lavina
Giuseppe Tartini e la chiesa di Santa Caterina a Padova, 275-288, 1999
A deep red pigment from Bronze age Iran: searching for the earliest lip-paint
N Eskandari, E De Carlo, F Zorzi, S Dall'Acqua, C Furlan, G Artioli, ...
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20