Guy F. Sutton
Guy F. Sutton
Research Entomologist, Center for Biological Control, Rhodes University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology
E Gould, HS Fraser, TH Parker, S Nakagawa, SC Griffith, PA Vesk, ...
BMC biology 23 (1), 35, 2025
Grasses as suitable targets for classical weed biological control
GF Sutton, K Canavan, MD Day, A Den Breeyen, JA Goolsby, M Cristofaro, ...
BioControl 64, 605-622, 2019
Testing MaxEnt model performance in a novel geographic region using an intentionally introduced insect
GF Sutton, GD Martin
Ecological Modelling 473, 110139, 2022
Searching for a needle in a haystack: Where to survey for climatically-matched biological control agents for two grasses (Sporobolus spp.) invading Australia
GF Sutton
Biological Control 129, 37-44, 2019
Prioritisation of targets for weed biological control III: a tool to identify the next targets for biological control in South Africa and set priorities for resource allocation
K Canavan, ID Paterson, P Ivey, GF Sutton, MP Hill
Biocontrol Science and Technology 31 (6), 584-601, 2021
Genetic matching of invasive populations of the African tulip tree, Spathodea campanulata Beauv. (Bignoniaceae), to their native distribution: Maximising the likelihood of …
GF Sutton, ID Paterson, Q Paynter
Biological Control 114, 167-175, 2017
Climate modelling suggests a review of the legal status of Brazilian pepper Schinus terebinthifolia in South Africa is required
GD Martin, NL Magengelele, ID Paterson, GF Sutton
South African journal of botany 132, 95-102, 2020
Predicting the risk of non-target damage to a close relative of a target weed using sequential no-choice tests, paired-choice tests and olfactory discrimination experiments
GF Sutton, ID Paterson, SG Compton, Q Paynter
Biocontrol Science and Technology 27 (3), 364-377, 2017
Naturally occurring phytopathogens enhance biological control of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) by Megamelus scutellaris (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), even in eutrophic water
GF Sutton, SG Compton, JA Coetzee
Biological Control 103, 261-268, 2016
Reduction of grazing capacity in high-elevation rangelands after Black locust invasion in South Africa
G Chikowore, R Mutamiswa, GF Sutton, F Chidawanyika, GD Martin
Rangeland Ecology & Management 76, 109-117, 2021
Field‐based ecological studies to assess prospective biological control agents for invasive alien plants: An example from giant rat's tail grass
GF Sutton, K Canavan, MD Day, ID Paterson
Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (5), 1043-1054, 2021
Evaluating the efficacy of Hypogeococcus sp. as a biological control agent of the cactaceous weed Cereus jamacaru in South Africa
GF Sutton, H Klein, ID Paterson
BioControl 63, 493-503, 2018
Biological control of South African plants that are invasive elsewhere in the world: A review of earlier and current programmes
T Olckers, JA Coetzee, D Egli, GD Martin, ID Paterson, GF Sutton, ...
African Entomology 29 (3), 1005-1029, 2021
The alien plants that threaten South Africa’s mountain ecosystems
K Canavan, S Canavan, VR Clark, O Gwate, DM Richardson, GF Sutton, ...
Land 10 (12), 1393, 2021
Efficacy of Various Low Temperature and Exposure Time Combinations for Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Larvae
SD Moore, M Peyper, W Kirkman, T Marsberg, S Albertyn, PR Stephen, ...
Journal of Economic Entomology 115 (4), 1115-1128, 2022
Progress and prospects for the biological control of invasive alien grasses (Poaceae) in South Africa
G Sutton, A Bownes, V Visser, A Mapaura, K Canavan
African Entomology 29 (3), 837-858, 2021
Field-scale efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes to control false codling moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in citrus orchards in South Africa
SD Moore, RU Ehlers, A Manrakhan, M Gilbert, W Kirkman, JH Daneel, ...
Crop Protection 179, 106610, 2024
Anthropogenic disturbance affects specialist, but not generalist, endophagous insects associated with two African grasses: implications for biological control
GF Sutton, MD Day, K Canavan, ID Paterson
Biocontrol Science and Technology 33 (11), 1051-1064, 2023
A weed biocontrol program for the Cook Islands: progress report.
Q Paynter, M Poeschko, C Mitchell, C Probst, RW Barreto, AA Colmán, ...
Host range, biology, and climate suitability of Callopistria exotica, a potential biological control agent of Old World climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum) in the USA
GS Wheeler, EC Lake, E Mattison, GF Sutton
Biological Control 188, 105410, 2024
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