Joseph J Hanly
Joseph J Hanly
Postdoctoral Scientist, Duke University; George Washington University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The gene cortex controls mimicry and crypsis in butterflies and moths
NJ Nadeau, C Pardo-Diaz, A Whibley, MA Supple, SV Saenko, ...
Nature 534 (7605), 106-110, 2016
Complex modular architecture around a simple toolkit of wing pattern genes
SM Van Belleghem, P Rastas, A Papanicolaou, SH Martin, CF Arias, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (3), 0052, 2017
The diversification of Heliconius butterflies: what have we learned in 150 years?
RM Merrill, KK Dasmahapatra, JW Davey, DD Dell'Aglio, JJ Hanly, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28 (8), 1417-1438, 2015
Evolutionary novelty in a butterfly wing pattern through enhancer shuffling
RWR Wallbank, SW Baxter, C Pardo-Diaz, JJ Hanly, SH Martin, J Mallet, ...
PLoS biology 14 (1), e1002353, 2016
Waiting in the wings: what can we learn about gene co-option from the diversification of butterfly wing patterns?
CD Jiggins, RWR Wallbank, JJ Hanly
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Interplay between developmental flexibility and determinism in the evolution of mimetic Heliconius wing patterns
C Concha, RWR Wallbank, JJ Hanly, J Fenner, L Livraghi, ES Rivera, ...
Current Biology 29 (23), 3996-4009. e4, 2019
Cortex cis-regulatory switches establish scale colour identity and pattern diversity in Heliconius
L Livraghi, JJ Hanly, SM Van Bellghem, G Montejo-Kovacevich, ...
Elife 10, e68549, 2021
A genetic switch for male UV iridescence in an incipient species pair of sulphur butterflies
V Ficarrotta, JJ Hanly, LS Loh, CM Francescutti, A Ren, K Tunström, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (3), e2109255118, 2022
Sub‐micrometer insights into the cytoskeletal dynamics and ultrastructural diversity of butterfly wing scales
CR Day, JJ Hanly, A Ren, A Martin
Developmental Dynamics 248 (8), 657-670, 2019
Conservation and flexibility in the gene regulatory landscape of heliconiine butterfly wings
JJ Hanly, RWR Wallbank, WO McMillan, CD Jiggins
EvoDevo 10 (1), 15, 2019
Evolutionary dynamics of genome size and content during the adaptive radiation of Heliconiini butterflies
F Cicconardi, E Milanetti, EC Pinheiro de Castro, A Mazo-Vargas, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 5620, 2023
From Patterning Genes to Process: Unraveling the Gene Regulatory Networks That Pattern Heliconius Wings
WO McMillan, L Livraghi, C Concha, JJ Hanly
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 221, 2020
Sexually dimorphic gene expression and transcriptome evolution provide mixed evidence for a fast‐Z effect in Heliconius
A Pinharanda, M Rousselle, SH Martin, JJ Hanly, JW Davey, S Kumar, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 32 (3), 194-204, 2019
High level of novelty under the hood of convergent evolution
SM Van Belleghem, AA Ruggieri, C Concha, L Livraghi, L Hebberecht, ...
Science 379 (6636), 1043-1049, 2023
Convergent evolution of broadband reflectors underlies metallic coloration in butterflies
A Ren, CR Day, JJ Hanly, BA Counterman, NI Morehouse, A Martin
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 206, 2020
Evidence for a single, ancient origin of a genus-wide alternative life history strategy
K Tunström, A Woronik, JJ Hanly, P Rastas, A Chichvarkhin, AD Warren, ...
Science Advances 9 (12), eabq3713, 2023
Mapping and CRISPR homology-directed repair of a recessive white eye mutation in Plodia moths
C Heryanto, JJ Hanly, A Mazo-Vargas, A Tendolkar, A Martin
Iscience 25 (3), 2022
Deep Convergence, Shared Ancestry, and Evolutionary Novelty in the Genetic Architecture of Heliconius Mimicry
J Morris, JJ Hanly, SH Martin, SM Van Belleghem, C Salazar, CD Jiggins, ...
Genetics 216 (3), 765-780, 2020
Frizzled2 receives WntA signaling during butterfly wing pattern formation
JJ Hanly, LS Loh, A Mazo-Vargas, TS Rivera-Miranda, L Livraghi, ...
Development 150 (18), dev201868, 2023
A large deletion at the cortex locus eliminates butterfly wing patterning
JJ Hanly, L Livraghi, C Heryanto, WO McMillan, CD Jiggins, LE Gilbert, ...
G3 12 (4), jkac021, 2022
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