Machine learning methods to analyze injury severity of drivers from different age and gender groups S Mafi, Y AbdelRazig, R Doczy Transportation research record 2672 (38), 171-183, 2018 | 95 | 2018 |
A framework for real-time construction project progress tracking AG Ghanem, YA AbdelRazig Earth & Space 2006: Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging …, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
GIS-based spatial and temporal analysis of aging-involved accidents: A case study of three counties in Florida SS Vemulapalli, MB Ulak, EE Ozguven, T Sando, MW Horner, ... Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 10, 537-563, 2017 | 48 | 2017 |
Assessment of traffic performance measures and safety based on driver age and experience: A microsimulation based analysis for an unsignalized T-intersection MB Ulak, EE Ozguven, R Moses, T Sando, W Boot, Y AbdelRazig, ... Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (English edition) 6 (5 …, 2019 | 38 | 2019 |
Metadata-based needs assessment for emergency transportation operations with a focus on an aging population: A case study in Florida EE Ozguven, MW Horner, A Kocatepe, JM Marcelin, Y Abdelrazig, ... Transport reviews 36 (3), 383-412, 2016 | 36 | 2016 |
Green buildings case study analysis using AHP and MAUT in sustainability and costs R Doczy, Y AbdelRazig Journal of Architectural Engineering 23 (3), 05017002, 2017 | 34 | 2017 |
Analysis of gap acceptance behavior for unprotected right and left turning maneuvers at signalized intersections using data mining methods: a driving simulation approach S Mafi, Y Abdelrazig, R Doczy Transportation research record 2672 (38), 160-170, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Environmental impact assessment for transportation projects: Case study using remote-sensing technology, geographic information systems, and spatial modeling MA El-Gafy, YA Abdelrazig, TS Abdelhamid Journal of urban planning and development 137 (2), 153-158, 2011 | 21 | 2011 |
Investigating exposure of the population to crash injury using a spatiotemporal analysis: A case study in Florida S Mafi, Y AbdelRazig, G Amirinia, A Kocatepe, MB Ulak, EE Ozguven Applied geography 104, 42-55, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
Real-time construction project progress tracking: A hybrid model for wireless technologies selection, assessment, and implementation A Ghanem The Florida State University, 2007 | 18 | 2007 |
Intelligent model for constructed facilities surface assessment YA AbdelRazig, LM Chang Journal of construction engineering and management 126 (6), 422-432, 2000 | 16 | 2000 |
Construction quality assessment: A hybrid decision support model using image processing and neural learning for intelligent defects recognition YAA AbdelRazig Purdue University, 1999 | 16 | 1999 |
A composite index framework for quantitative resilience assessment of road infrastructure systems N Nickdoost, MJ Shooshtari, J Choi, D Smith, Y AbdelRazig Transportation research part D: transport and environment 131, 104180, 2024 | 14 | 2024 |
Dynamic construction site layout using ant colony optimization Y AbdelRazig, M El-Gafy, A Ghanem Transportation Research Board 85th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2006 | 11 | 2006 |
Optical imaging method for bridge painting maintenance and inspection LM Chang, PH Chen, Y Abdelrazig Indiana. Dept. of Transportation, 2000 | 11 | 2000 |
Warranting quality of steel bridge coating LM Chang, ME Georgy, YA AbdelRazig Journal of construction engineering and management 126 (5), 374-380, 2000 | 9 | 2000 |
Construction quality assessment: A hybrid decision support model using image processing and neural learning for defect recognition YA AbdelRazig Purdue University, 1999 | 9 | 1999 |
Modelling highway crashes using Bayesian belief networks technique and GIS T Sando The Florida State University, 2005 | 8 | 2005 |
Survey of the current use of social networking in construction education A Ghanem, M El-Gafy, Y Abdelrazig 50th ASC Annual International Conference Proceedings, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |