Slim Zekri
GIS-based assessment of combined CSP electric power and seawater desalination plant for Duqum—Oman
A Gastli, Y Charabi, S Zekri
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2), 821-827, 2010
Using economic incentives and regulations to reduce seawater intrusion in the Batinah coastal area of Oman
S Zekri
Agricultural Water Management 95 (3), 243-252, 2008
Estimating the potential gains from water markets: a case study from Tunisia
S Zekri, W Easter
Agricultural water management 72 (3), 161-175, 2005
An optimization-simulation approach for groundwater abstraction under recharge uncertainty
S Zekri, C Triki, A Al-Maktoumi, MR Bazargan-Lari
Water resources management 29, 3681-3695, 2015
Feasibility of adopting smart water meters in aquifer management: An integrated hydro-economic analysis
S Zekri, K Madani, MR Bazargan-Lari, H Kotagama, E Kalbus
Agricultural Water Management 181, 85-93, 2017
Design and implementation of smart irrigation system for groundwater use at farm scale
R Zaier, S Zekri, H Jayasuriya, A Teirab, N Hamza, H Al-Busaidi
2015 7th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control …, 2015
Controlling groundwater pumping online
S Zekri
Journal of Environmental Management 90 (11), 3581-3588, 2009
A millenarian water rights system and water markets in Oman
S Zekri, AS Al-Marshudi
Water International 33 (3), 350-360, 2008
Hydrological and economic feasibility of mitigating a stressed coastal aquifer using managed aquifer recharge: a case study of Jamma aquifer, Oman
M El-Rawy, A Al-Maktoumi, S Zekri, O Abdalla, R Al-Abri
Journal of Arid Land 11, 148-159, 2019
Intuitive and rigorous derivation of spontaneous emission and Landau damping of Langmuir waves through classical mechanics
DF Escande, S Zekri, Y Elskens
Physics of Plasmas 3 (10), 3534-3539, 1996
Managed aquifer recharge using quaternary-treated wastewater: an economic perspective
S Zekri, M Ahmed, R Chaieb, N Ghaffour
International Journal of Water Resources Development 30 (2), 246-261, 2014
Water reforms in developing countries: management transfers, private operators and water markets
S Zekri, KW Easter
Water Policy 9 (6), 573-589, 2007
Modelling the trade‐offs between farm income and the reduction of erosion and nitrate pollution
M Mimouni, S Zekri, G Flichman
Annals of Operations Research 94 (1), 91-103, 2000
A new face of food security: A global perspective of the COVID-19 pandemic
B Saboori, R Radmehr, YY Zhang, S Zekri
Progress in disaster science 16, 100252, 2022
Management options for a multipurpose coastal aquifer in Oman
A Al-Maktoumi, M El-Rawy, S Zekri
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9, 1-14, 2016
Assessment of the impact of climate change on coastal aquifers in Oman
A Al-Maktoumi, S Zekri, M El-Rawy, O Abdalla, M Al-Wardy, G Al-Rawas, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-14, 2018
Economic impact of salinity: the case of Al-Batinah in Oman.
A Naifer, SA Al-Rawahy, S Zekri
Public and private compromises in agricultural water management
S Zekri, C Romero
Journal of environmental management 37 (4), 281-290, 1993
Recreational value of an oasis in Oman
S Zekri, M Mbaga, A Fouzai, S Al-Shaqsi
Environmental Management 48, 81-88, 2011
Smart water management using intelligent digital twins
S Zekri, N Jabeur, H Gharrad
Computing and Informatics 41 (1), 135–153-135–153, 2022
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