Thomas Marsh
Thomas Marsh
Professor, WSU School of Economic Sciences & Paul G. Allen School for Global Health
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Does food safety information impact US meat demand?
NE Piggott, TL Marsh
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 154-174, 2004
Policy considerations for limiting unintended residual plastic in agricultural soils
M Brodhagen, JR Goldberger, DG Hayes, DA Inglis, TL Marsh, C Miles
Environmental Science & Policy 69, 81-84, 2017
Impacts of meat product recalls on consumer demand in the USA
TL Marsh, TC Schroeder, J Mintert
Applied Economics 36 (9), 897-909, 2004
The revenue impacts of cross-border lottery shopping in the presence of spatial autocorrelation
TA Garrett, TL Marsh
Regional Science and Urban Economics 32 (4), 501-519, 2002
Linking human health and livestock health: a “one-health” platform for integrated analysis of human health, livestock health, and economic welfare in livestock dependent …
SM Thumbi, MK Njenga, TL Marsh, S Noh, E Otiang, P Munyua, ...
PloS one 10 (3), e0120761, 2015
Beef demand determinants
TC Schroeder, TL Marsh, JR Mintert
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative …, 2000
Livestock vaccinations translate into increased human capital and school attendance by girls
TL Marsh, J Yoder, T Deboch, TF McElwain, GH Palmer
Science advances 2 (12), e1601410, 2016
The data-constrained GME-Estimator of the GLM: asymptotic theory and inference
RC Mittelhammer, S Cardell, T Marsh
Entropy 15, 1756-1775, 2013
Waves of endemic foot-and-mouth disease in eastern Africa suggest feasibility of proactive vaccination approaches
M Casey-Bryars, R Reeve, U Bastola, NJ Knowles, H Auty, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (9), 1449-1457, 2018
Initiation of global burden of animal diseases programme
J Rushton, M Bruce, C Bellet, P Torgerson, A Shaw, T Marsh, D Pigott, ...
The Lancet 392 (10147), 538-540, 2018
Comparing heterogeneous consumption in US and Japanese meat and fish demand
GT Tonsor, TL Marsh
Agricultural Economics 37 (1), 81-91, 2007
Determinants of US fast food consumption 1994‐1998
J Fanning, T Marsh, K Stiegert
British Food Journal 112 (1), 5-20, 2010
Invasive species management: foot-and-mouth disease in the US beef industry
Z Zhao, TI Wahl, TL Marsh
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 35 (1), 98-115, 2006
Political allocation of US agriculture disaster payments in the 1990s
TA Garrett, TL Marsh, MI Marshall
International Review of Law and Economics 26 (2), 143-161, 2006
Newcastle disease vaccine adoption by smallholder households in Tanzania: Identifying determinants and barriers
ZA Campbell, TL Marsh, EA Mpolya, SM Thumbi, GH Palmer
PloS one 13 (10), e0206058, 2018
Willingness to pay for sensory attributes in beer
G Gabrielyan, JJ McCluskey, TL Marsh, CF Ross
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 43 (1), 125-139, 2014
Conserving the Ogallala Aquifer: Efficiency, equity, and moral motives
JM Peterson, TL Marsh, JR Williams
Choices 2003 (1st qtr.), 15-18, 2003
Economic assessment of FMDv releases from the national bio and agro defense facility
DL Pendell, TL Marsh, KH Coble, JL Lusk, SC Szmania
PLoS One 10 (6), e0129134, 2015
Estimating the economic value of specific characteristics associated with Angus bulls sold at auction
R Jones, T Turner, KC Dhuyvetter, TL Marsh
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 40 (1), 315-333, 2008
Optimal control of vector‐virus‐plant interactions: the case of potato leafroll virus net necrosis
TL Marsh, RG Huffaker, GE Long
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82 (3), 556-569, 2000
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