Cecilia Luttrell
Cecilia Luttrell
CIFOR (Senior Associate) Researcher/analyst
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Understanding and operationalising empowerment
C Luttrell, S Quiroz, C Scrutton, K Bird
Overseas Development Institute, 2009
Property rights and the utilisation of wetlands
WN Adger, C Luttrell
Ecological economics 35 (1), 75-89, 2000
An overview of forest and land allocation policies in Indonesia: Is the current framework sufficient to meet the needs of REDD+?
M Brockhaus, K Obidzinski, A Dermawan, Y Laumonier, C Luttrell
Forest policy and economics 18, 30-37, 2012
Who should benefit from REDD+? Rationales and realities
C Luttrell, L Loft, MF Gebara, D Kweka, M Brockhaus, A Angelsen, ...
Ecology and Society 18 (4), 2013
The political context of REDD+ in Indonesia: Constituencies for change
C Luttrell, IAP Resosudarmo, E Muharrom, M Brockhaus, F Seymour
Environmental science & policy 35, 67-75, 2014
Participatory forest management: a route to poverty reduction?
K Schreckenberg, C Luttrell
International Forestry Review 11 (2), 221-238, 2009
What is the right scale for REDD
A Angelsen, C Streck, L Peskett, J Brown, C Luttrell
Moving ahead with REDD: issues, options and implications 1, 31-40, 2008
Approaches to benefit sharing: A preliminary comparative analysis of 13 REDD+ countries
TT Pham, M Brockhaus, G Wong, LN Dung, JS Tjajadi, L Loft, C Luttrell, ...
Center for International Forestry Research, 2013
Food security and the millennium development goal on hunger in Asia
GJ Gill, J Farrington, E Anderson, C Luttrell, T Conway, NC Saxena, ...
London: Overseas Development Institute, 2003
Mapping political context: A toolkit for civil society organisations
R Nash, A Hudson, C Luttrell
London: Overseas Development Institute, 2006
Legal timber: verification and governance in the forest sector
D Brown, K Schreckenberg, N Bird, P Cerutti, F Gatto, C Diaw, T Fomete, ...
Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), 2010
Who should benefit and why? Discourses on REDD+ benefit sharing
C Luttrell, L Loft, MF Gebara, D Kweka
Analysing REDD+: challenges and choices. Center for International Forestry …, 2012
Narratives in REDD+ benefit sharing: examining evidence within and beyond the forest sector
GY Wong, C Luttrell, L Loft, A Yang, TT Pham, D Naito, ...
Climate Policy 19 (8), 1038-1051, 2019
Improving the benefits to the poor from community forestry in the Churia region of Nepal
MR Maharjan, TR Dhakal, SK Thapa, K Schreckenberg, C Luttrell
International Forestry Review 11 (2), 254-267, 2009
Lessons for REDD+ from measures to control illegal logging in Indonesia
C Luttrell, K Obidzinski, M Brockhaus, E Muharrom, E Petkova, A Wardell, ...
CIFOR, 2011
What is the right scale for REDD?: The implications of national, subnational and nested approaches
A Angelsen, C Streck, L Peskett, J Brown, C Luttrell
Beyond opportunity costs: who bears the implementation costs of reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation?
C Luttrell, E Sills, R Aryani, AD Ekaputri, MF Evinke
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 23, 291-310, 2018
An analytical framework for understanding the political economy of sectors and policy arenas
J Moncrieffe, C Luttrell
ODI, London, 2005
The implications of carbon financing for pro-poor community forestry.
C Luttrell, K Schrekenberg, L Peskett
the text, 2007
Gender and social protection
C Luttrell, C Moser
London: Overseas Development Institute, 2004
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