Hossein Janmohammadi
Hossein Janmohammadi
Professor of Poultry Nutrition, University of Tabriz
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Forage yield and quality in intercropping of maize with different legumes as double-cropped
A Javanmard, ADM Nasab, A Javanshir, M Moghaddam, ...
Journal of food, Agriculture and Environment 7 (1), 163-166, 2009
Effect of vitamin E and selenium nanoparticles on post-thaw variables and oxidative status of rooster semen
S Safa, G Moghaddam, RJ Jozani, HD Kia, H Janmohammadi
Animal reproduction science 174, 100-106, 2016
Nutrient digestibility and gas production of some tropical feeds used in ruminant diets estimated by the in vivo and in vitro gas production techniques
P Hamid, T Akbar, J Hossein, MG Ali
Am. J. Anim. Vet. Sci 2 (76), 108-113, 2007
Evaluation of some by-products using in situ and in vitro gas production techniques
B Maghsoud, T Akbar, J Hossein, MG Ali
American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 3 (1), 7-12, 2008
The effect of L-lysine in ovo feeding on body weight characteristics and small intestine morphology in a day-old Ross broiler chicks
M Ebrahimi, H Janmohammadi, HD Kia, G Moghaddam, Z Rajabi, ...
Revue de médecine vétérinaire 168 (4-6), 116-124, 2017
Nutrient composition of different varieties of full-fat canola seed and nitrogen-corrected true metabolizable energy of full-fat canola seed with or without enzyme addition and …
E Assadi, H Janmohammadi, A Taghizadeh, S Alijani
Journal of applied poultry research 20 (1), 95-101, 2011
Occurrence of Aflatoxins in poultry feed and feed ingredients from northwestern Iran
Z Nemati, H Janmohammadi, A Taghizadeh, HM Nejad, G Mogaddam, ...
European Journal of Zoological Research 3 (3), 56-60, 2014
Poultry byproduct meal: influence on performance and egg quality traits of layers.
MH Hosseinzadeh, Y Ebrahimnezhad, H Janmohammadi, ...
Evaluation of yield and advantage indices in barley and vetch intercropping
A Ahmadi, A Dabbagh Mohammdi Nasab, S Zehtab Salmasi, R Amini, ...
Journal of Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production 20 (4), 77-87, 2009
Effects of a multi-enzyme on performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed corn-soybean meal basal diets with different metabolizable energy levels
A Gitoee, H Janmohammadi, A Taghizadeh, SA Rafat
Journal of Applied Animal Research 43 (3), 295-302, 2015
Effects of zinc nanoparticles on growth performance, carcass characteristics, immunity, and meat quality of broiler chickens
M Eskandani, H Janmohammadi, SA Mirghelenj, M Ebrahimi, S Kalanaky
Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 11 (1), 135-146, 2021
The impact of in ovo injection of l‐arginine on hatchability, immune system and caecum microflora of broiler chickens
S Omidi, M Ebrahimi, H Janmohammadi, G Moghaddam, Z Rajabi, ...
Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition 104 (1), 178-185, 2020
Effect of dietary Aspergillus meal prebiotic on growth performance, carcass characteristics, nutrient digestibility, and serum lipid profile in broiler chick low-protein diets
S Amirdahri, H Janmohammadi, A Taghizadeh, A Rafat
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences 36 (6), 602-610, 2012
Laying hen performance, egg quality improved and yolk 5-methyltetrahydrofolate content increased by dietary supplementation of folic acid
S Bagheri, H Janmohammadi, R Maleki, A Ostadrahimi, R Kianfar
Animal nutrition 5 (2), 130-133, 2019
Effects of using processed amaranth grain with and without enzyme on performance, egg quality, antioxidant status and lipid profile of blood and yolk cholesterol in laying hens
B Hosseintabar-Ghasemabad, H Janmohammadi, A Hosseinkhani, ...
Animals 12 (22), 3123, 2022
Thermal and probiotic treatment effects on restaurant waste for incorporation into poultry diet
S Cheraghi Saray, A Hosseinkhani, H Janmohammadi, P Zare, ...
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 3, 1-7, 2014
Effect of Dietary Amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus chlorostachys) Supplemented with Enzyme Blend on Egg Quality, Serum Biochemistry and Antioxidant Status in …
H Janmohammadi, B Hosseintabar-Ghasemabad, M Oliyai, S Alijani, ...
Antioxidants 12 (2), 456, 2023
Nano selenium improves humoral immunity, growth performance and breast-muscle selenium concentration of broiler chickens
E Mohammadi, H Janmohammadi, M Olyayee, JA Helan, S Kalanaky
Animal Production Science 60 (16), 1902-1910, 2020
The effect of autoclave processing and gamma irradiation on apparent ileal digestibility in broiler breeders of amino acids from canola meal
M Chamani, M Molaei, F Foroudy, H Janmohammadi, G Raisali
Afr J Agric Res 4, 592-98, 2009
Effects of microwave irradiation on in vitro ruminal fermentation and ruminal and post-ruminal disappearance of safflower seed
H Paya, A Taghizadeh, H Janmohammadi, GA Moghaddam, AH Khani, ...
J. Biodivers. Environ. Sci 5, 349-356, 2014
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