Dr. Sunil N. Patankar, Rockledge Florida
Dr. Sunil N. Patankar, Rockledge Florida
Kiti vardaiSunil Narayan Patankar
Nežinomas ryšys
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Grain size effects in nanocrystalline materials
C Suryanarayana, D Mukhopadhyay, SN Patankar, FH Froes
Journal of Materials Research 7 (8), 2114-2118, 1992
Hollow glass microsphere HDPE composites for low energy sustainability
SN Patankar, YA Kranov
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (6), 1361-1366, 2010
The mechanism of mechanical alloying of MoSi2
SN Patankar, SQ Xiao, JJ Lewandowski, AH Heuer
Journal of materials research 8 (6), 1311-1316, 1993
Interface engineering via compatibilization in HDPE composite reinforced with sodium borosilicate hollow glass microspheres
SN Patankar, A Das, YA Kranov
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 40 (6-7), 897-903, 2009
Role of reinforcement in sintering of SiC/316L stainless steel composite
SN Patankar, MJ Tan
Powder metallurgy 43 (4), 350-352, 2000
Weibull distribution as applied to ceramic fibres
SN Patankar
Journal of materials science letters 10 (20), 1176-1181, 1991
Superior superplastic behavior in fine-grained Ti–6Al–4V sheet
SN Patankar, JP Escobedo, DP Field, G Salishchev, RM Galeyev, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 345 (1-2), 221-227, 2002
Alpha casing and superplastic behavior of Ti–6Al–4V
SN Patankar, YT Kwang, TM Jen
Journal of Materials processing technology 112 (1), 24-28, 2001
Strain rate insensitive plasticity in aluminum alloy 5083
SN Patankar, TM Jen
Scripta Materialia 38 (8), 1255-1261, 1998
Combined effect of hot extrusion and heat treatment on the mechanical behavior of 7055 AA processed via spray metal forming
JM Schreiber, ZR Omcikus, TJ Eden, MM Sharma, V Champagne, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 617, 135-139, 2014
Porous microspheres as additives in lead–acid batteries
JD Newell, SN Patankar, DB Edwards
Journal of power sources 188 (1), 292-295, 2009
Lead dioxide coated hollow glass microspheres as conductive additives for lead acid batteries
SD McAllister, SN Patankar, IF Cheng, DB Edwards
Scripta Materialia 61 (4), 375-378, 2009
Matrix reinforcement interaction in SiC/316L stainless steel composite
SN Patankar, M Chandrasekaran, MJ Tan
Journal of materials science letters 19 (7), 613-615, 2000
Grain-size control in Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb with yttrium additions
PB Trivedi, SN Patankar, FH Froes, EG Baburaj, A Genç, L Ovecoglu
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 33, 2729-2736, 2002
Formation of Nb3Sn using mechanically alloyed Nb Sn powder
SN Patankar, FH Froes
Solid state sciences 6 (8), 887-890, 2004
Ti–Mg–Si alloys produced by non-equilibrium processing methods: mechanical alloying and sputtering
L Dias, B Trindade, C Coelho, S Patankar, C Draney, FHS Froes
Materials Science and Engineering: A 364 (1-2), 273-280, 2004
Processing of carbon fibre reinforced aluminium composite using K2ZrF6 treated carbon fibres: a degradation study
SN Patankar, V Gopinathan, P Ramakrishnan
Journal of materials science letters 9, 912-913, 1990
Studies on carbon fibre reinforced aluminium composite processed using pre-treated carbon fibres
SN Patankar, V Gopinathan, P Ramakrishnan
Journal of materials science 26, 4196-4202, 1991
Influence of alpha casing on superplastic deformation of Ti-6Al-4V
SN Patankar, MJ Tan
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. 123 (1), 144-147, 2001
Processing of yttrium–aluminum garnets under non-equilibrium conditions
SN Patankar, D Zhang, G Adam, FHS Froes
Journal of alloys and compounds 353 (1-2), 307-309, 2003
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