Antoniya Hauerwaas
Antoniya Hauerwaas
PhD, Innovation management and Entrepreneurship
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Culture in sustainable urban development: Practices and policies for spaces of possibility and institutional innovations
S Kagan, A Hauerwaas, V Holz, P Wedler
City, Culture and Society 13, 32-45, 2018
Adopters build bridges: Changing the institutional logic for more sustainable cities. From action to workset to practice
U Weisenfeld, A Hauerwaas
Research Policy 47 (5), 911-923, 2018
Jamming sustainable futures: Assessing the potential of design thinking with the case study of a sustainability jam
S Kagan, A Hauerwaas, S Helldorff, U Weisenfeld
Journal of Cleaner Production 251, 119595, 2020
Sustainable production of the cyanophycin biopolymer in tobacco in the greenhouse and field
J Huckauf, BP Brandt, C Dezar, H Nausch, A Hauerwaas, U Weisenfeld, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10, 896863, 2022
The impact of systemic innovations for transforming transplant systems. Lessons learned from the German lung transplantation system. A qualitative study
A Hauerwaas, U Weisenfeld
Health Systems 9 (1), 76-93, 2020
Beyond plastic–Consumers prefer food packaging derived from genetically modified plants
U Weisenfeld, A Hauerwaas, O Elshiewy, P Halder, J Wesseler, K Cingiz, ...
Research Policy 52 (10), 104883, 2023
Schlüsselfiguren, Innovationen und Mechanismen des Wandels
A Hauerwaas, U Weisenfeld
Stadt als Möglichkeitsraum: Experimentierfelder einer urbanen Nachhaltigkeit …, 2019
Related innovations management in organisations. A systemic approach illustrated with the example of cancer-treating innovations in healthcare
A Hauerwaas, U Weisenfeld
International Journal of Business and Globalisation 19 (3), 350-377, 2017
Corrigendum: Sustainable production of the cyanophycin biopolymer in tobacco in the greenhouse and field
J Huckauf, BP Brandt, C Dezar, H Nausch, A Hauerwaas, U Weisenfeld, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10, 985960, 2022
Practices and Policies from Spaces of Possibilities to Institutional Innovations1
S Kagan, A Hauerwaas, V Holz, P Wedler
Culture and Sustainable Development in the City, 159-181, 2022
Introduction: Culture and Sustainable Development in the City–Urban Spaces of Possibilities1
S Kagan, A Hauerwaas, V Holz, P Wedler
Culture and Sustainable Development in the City, 1-23, 2022
Systemic Innovations as Mechanisms for Systems Transformations: Towards a Better Understanding of the Impact of Systems Thinking, Innovations and Institutions for System Change
A Hauerwaas
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, 2018
Die Rolle von Innovationen am Forschungsstandort Deutschland in Bezug auf das Gesundheitswesen: Innovationen im Gesundheitswesen
A Hauerwaas
GRIN Verlag, 2008
1 Introduction: Culture and Sustainable Development in the City–Urban Spaces of Possibilities
S Kagan, A Hauerwaas, V Holz, P Wedler
Culture and Sustainable Development in the City: Urban Spaces of …, 0
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