Christine Wells OR Christine A. Wells
Christine Wells OR Christine A. Wells
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The transcriptional landscape of the mammalian genome
P Carninci, T Kasukawa, S Katayama, J Gough, MC Frith, N Maeda, ...
science 309 (5740), 1559-1563, 2005
An atlas of active enhancers across human cell types and tissues
R Andersson, C Gebhard, I Miguel-Escalada, I Hoof, J Bornholdt, M Boyd, ...
Nature 507 (7493), 455-461, 2014
Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs
RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group Phase I Team: Carninci P. 2 Hayatsu ...
Nature 420 (6915), 563-573, 2002
Antisense transcription in the mammalian transcriptome
S Katayama, Y Tomaru, T Kasukawa, K Waki, M Nakanishi, M Nakamura, ...
Science 309 (5740), 1564-1566, 2005
A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas.
AFF Consortium
Nature 507 (7493), 462-70, 2014
Genome-wide analysis of mammalian promoter architecture and evolution
P Carninci, A Sandelin, B Lenhard, S Katayama, K Shimokawa, ...
Nature genetics 38 (6), 626-635, 2006
An atlas of human long non-coding RNAs with accurate 5′ ends
CC Hon, JA Ramilowski, J Harshbarger, N Bertin, OJL Rackham, J Gough, ...
Nature 543 (7644), 199-204, 2017
A systematic, genome-wide, phenotype-driven mutagenesis programme for gene function studies in the mouse
PM Nolan, J Peters, M Strivens, D Rogers, J Hagan, N Spurr, IC Gray, ...
Nature genetics 25 (4), 440-443, 2000
Transcribed enhancers lead waves of coordinated transcription in transitioning mammalian cells
E Arner, CO Daub, K Vitting-Seerup, R Andersson, B Lilje, F Drabløs, ...
Science 347 (6225), 1010-1014, 2015
An integrated expression atlas of miRNAs and their promoters in human and mouse
D De Rie, I Abugessaisa, T Alam, E Arner, P Arner, H Ashoor, G Åström, ...
Nature biotechnology 35 (9), 872-878, 2017
The mononuclear phagocyte system revisited
DA Hume, IL Ross, SR Himes, RT Sasmono, CA Wells, T Ravasi
Journal of leukocyte biology 72 (4), 621-627, 2002
Cutting edge: Mincle is essential for recognition and adjuvanticity of the mycobacterial cord factor and its synthetic analog trehalose-dibehenate
H Schoenen, B Bodendorfer, K Hitchens, S Manzanero, K Werninghaus, ...
The Journal of Immunology 184 (6), 2756-2760, 2010
The macrophage-inducible C-type lectin, mincle, is an essential component of the innate immune response to Candida albicans
CA Wells, JA Salvage-Jones, X Li, K Hitchens, S Butcher, RZ Murray, ...
The Journal of Immunology 180 (11), 7404-7413, 2008
Mice Lacking the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-B Gene (Vegfb) Have Smaller Hearts, Dysfunctional Coronary Vasculature, and Impaired Recovery From …
D Bellomo, JP Headrick, GU Silins, CA Paterson, PS Thomas, M Gartside, ...
Circulation research 86 (2), e29-e35, 2000
A clinical overview of WT1 gene mutations
M Little, C Wells
Human mutation 9 (3), 209-225, 1997
The transcriptional network that controls growth arrest and differentiation in a human myeloid leukemia cell line
Nature genetics 41 (5), 553-562, 2009
Complex loci in human and mouse genomes
PG Engström, H Suzuki, N Ninomiya, A Akalin, L Sessa, G Lavorgna, ...
PLoS genetics 2 (4), e47, 2006
A cluster of oppositely imprinted transcripts at the Gnas locus in the distal imprinting region of mouse chromosome 2
J Peters, SF Wroe, CA Wells, HJ Miller, D Bodle, CV Beechey, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (7), 3830-3835, 1999
FANTOM5 CAGE profiles of human and mouse samples
S Noguchi, T Arakawa, S Fukuda, M Furuno, A Hasegawa, F Hori, ...
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-10, 2017
Genome-wide characterization of the routes to pluripotency
SMI Hussein, MC Puri, PD Tonge, M Benevento, AJ Corso, JL Clancy, ...
Nature 516 (7530), 198-206, 2014
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