Nicolino Ambrosino
Nicolino Ambrosino
ICS Maugeri
Patvirtintas el. paštas
American thoracic society/European respiratory society statement on pulmonary rehabilitation
L Nici, C Donner, E Wouters, R Zuwallack, N Ambrosino, J Bourbeau, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 173 (12), 1390-1413, 2006
Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in the weaning of patients with respiratory failure due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized, controlled trial
S Nava, N Ambrosino, E Clini, M Prato, G Orlando, M Vitacca, P Brigada, ...
Annals of internal medicine 128 (9), 721-728, 1998
Patterns of home mechanical ventilation use in Europe: results from the Eurovent survey
SJ Lloyd-Owen, GC Donaldson, N Ambrosino, J Escarabill, R Farre, ...
European respiratory journal 25 (6), 1025-1031, 2005
The Italian multicentre study on noninvasive ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
E Clini, C Sturani, A Rossi, S Viaggi, A Corrado, CF Donner, N Ambrosino, ...
European Respiratory Journal 20 (3), 529-538, 2002
Non-invasive mechanical ventilation in acute respiratory failure due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: correlates for success.
N Ambrosino, K Foglio, F Rubini, E Clini, S Nava, M Vitacca
Thorax 50 (7), 755-757, 1995
Causes of death in patients with COPD and chronic respiratory failure.
J Zielinski, W MacNee, J Wedzicha, N Ambrosino, A Braghiroli, ...
Monaldi archives for chest disease= Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del …, 1997
Long-term effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with chronic airway obstruction
K Foglio, L Bianchi, G Bruletti, L Battista, M Pagani, N Ambrosino
European Respiratory Journal 13 (1), 125-132, 1999
Early physiotherapy in the respiratory intensive care unit
E Clini, N Ambrosino
Respiratory medicine 99 (9), 1096-1104, 2005
Non-invasive modalities of positive pressure ventilation improve the outcome of acute exacerbations in COLD patients
M Vitacca, F Rubini, K Foglio, S Scalvini, S Nava, N Ambrosino
Intensive care medicine 19, 450-455, 1993
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in the acute care setting: where are we?
N Ambrosino, G Vagheggini
European Respiratory Journal 31 (4), 874-886, 2008
Chronic respiratory care for neuromuscular diseases in adults
N Ambrosino, N Carpene, M Gherardi
European respiratory journal 34 (2), 444-451, 2009
Muscle strength and physical performance in patients without previous disabilities recovering from COVID-19 pneumonia
M Paneroni, C Simonelli, M Saleri, L Bertacchini, M Venturelli, T Troosters, ...
American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 100 (2), 105-109, 2021
Joint statement on the role of respiratory rehabilitation in the COVID-19 crisis: the Italian position paper
M Vitacca, M Carone, EM Clini, M Paneroni, M Lazzeri, A Lanza, ...
Respiration 99 (6), 493-499, 2020
Comparison of two methods for weaning patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring mechanical ventilation for more than 15 days
M Vitacca, A Vianello, D Colombo, E Clini, R Porta, L Bianchi, G Arcaro, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 164 (2), 225-230, 2001
Effect of nasal pressure support ventilation and external PEEP on diaphragmatic activity in patients with severe stable COPD
S Nava, N Ambrosino, F Rubini, C Fracchia, C Rampulla, G Torri, ...
Chest 103 (1), 143-150, 1993
New strategies to improve exercise tolerance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
N Ambrosino, S Strambi
European Respiratory Journal 24 (2), 313-322, 2004
Survival and prediction of successful ventilator weaning in COPD patients requiring mechanical ventilation for more than 21 days
S Nava, F Rubini, E Zanotti, N Ambrosino, C Bruschi, M Vitacca, ...
European Respiratory Journal 7 (9), 1645-1652, 1994
Is it really useful to repeat outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation programs in patients with chronic airway obstruction?: A 2-year controlled study
K Foglio, L Bianchi, N Ambrosino
Chest 119 (6), 1696-1704, 2001
Respiratory intensive care units in Italy: a national census and prospective cohort study
M Confalonieri, M Gorini, N Ambrosino, C Mollica, A Corrado
Thorax 56 (5), 373-378, 2001
COVID-19 pandemic and non invasive respiratory management: every Goliath needs a David. An evidence based evaluation of problems
JC Winck, N Ambrosino
Pulmonology 26 (4), 213-220, 2020
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