Morteza Analoui
Morteza Analoui
Associate Professor of Computer Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
MOWS: multi-objective workflow scheduling in cloud computing based on heuristic algorithm
F Abazari, M Analoui, H Takabi, S Fu
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 93, 119-132, 2019
A novel non-negative matrix factorization method for recommender systems
MH Aghdam, M Analoui, P Kabiri
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 9 (5), 2721, 2015
Effect of anti-malware software on infectious nodes in cloud environment
F Abazari, M Analoui, H Takabi
Computers & Security 58, 139-148, 2016
CCHR: combination of classifiers using heuristic retraining
H Parvin, H Alizadeh, B Minaei-Bidgoli, M Analoui
2008 Fourth International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced …, 2008
A scalable method for improving the performance of classifiers in multiclass applications by pairwise classifiers and GA
H Parvin, H Alizadeh, B Minaei-Bidgoli, M Analoui
2008 fourth international conference on networked computing and advanced …, 2008
An approach to grid resource selection and fault management based on ECA rules
LM Khanli, M Analoui
Future generation computer systems 24 (4), 296-316, 2008
An artificial immune system based method for defense against wormhole attack in mobile adhoc networks
S Jamali, R Fotohi, M Analoui
Tabriz Journal of Electrical Engineering 47 (4), 1407-1419, 2018
Collaborative filtering using non-negative matrix factorisation
MH Aghdam, M Analoui, P Kabiri
Journal of Information Science 43 (4), 567-579, 2017
Clustering ensembles using genetic algorithm
J Azimi, M Mohammadi, M Analoui
2006 International Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception …, 2006
An economic replica placement mechanism for streaming content distribution in Hybrid CDN-P2P networks
M Garmehi, M Analoui, M Pathan, R Buyya
Computer Communications 52, 60-70, 2014
A new efficient approach in clustering ensembles
J Azimi, M Abdoos, M Analoui
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning-IDEAL 2007: 8th …, 2007
Performance evaluation of Web server workloads in Xen‐based virtualized computer system: analytical modeling and experimental validation
K RahimiZadeh, R Nasiri Gerde, M AnaLoui, P Kabiri
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (17), 4741-4762, 2015
Performance modeling and analysis of virtualized multi-tier applications under dynamic workloads
K RahimiZadeh, M AnaLoui, P Kabiri, B Javadi
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 56, 166-187, 2015
Resource scheduling in desktop grid by grid-JQA
LM Khanli, M Analoui
2008 The 3rd International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing …, 2008
An economic mechanism for request routing and resource allocation in hybrid CDN–P2P networks
M Garmehi, M Analoui, M Pathan, R Buyya
International journal of network management 25 (6), 375-393, 2015
Evolving ensemble of classifiers in low-dimensional spaces using multi-objective evolutionary approach
K Ahmadian, A Golestani, M Analoui, MR Jahed
6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science …, 2007
Grid_JQA: a QoS guided scheduling algorithm for grid computing
LM Khanli, M Analoui
Sixth International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC …, 2007
QR decomposition-based algorithm for background subtraction
M Amintoosi, F Farbiz, M Fathy, M Analoui, N Mozayani
2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2007
Business model innovation driven by the internet of things technology, in internet service providers’ business context
P Hanafizadeh, P Hatami, M Analoui, A Albadvi
Information Systems and e-Business Management 19 (4), 1175-1243, 2021
A survey over black hole attack detection in mobile ad hoc network
S Behzad, S Jamali, M Analoui
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS) 15 …, 2015
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