Laoise McNamara
Osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells is regulated by osteocyte and osteoblast cells in a simplified bone niche
E Birmingham, GL Niebur, PE McHugh
European Cells & Materials Ltd, 2012
Bone mechanical properties and changes with osteoporosis
G Osterhoff, EF Morgan, SJ Shefelbine, L Karim, LM McNamara, P Augat
Injury 47, S11-S20, 2016
Biomimetic approaches in bone tissue engineering: Integrating biological and physicomechanical strategies
MA Fernandez-Yague, SA Abbah, L McNamara, DI Zeugolis, A Pandit, ...
Advanced drug delivery reviews 84, 1-29, 2015
A model for the role of integrins in flow induced mechanotransduction in osteocytes
Y Wang, LM McNamara, MB Schaffler, S Weinbaum
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (40), 15941-15946, 2007
Bone remodelling algorithms incorporating both strain and microdamage stimuli
LM McNamara, PJ Prendergast
Journal of biomechanics 40 (6), 1381-1391, 2007
Attachment of osteocyte cell processes to the bone matrix
LM McNamara, RJ Majeska, S Weinbaum, V Friedrich, MB Schaffler
The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary …, 2009
Fluid flow in the osteocyte mechanical environment: a fluid–structure interaction approach
SW Verbruggen, TJ Vaughan, LM McNamara
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 13 (1), 85-97, 2014
Strain amplification in bone mechanobiology: a computational investigation of the in vivo mechanics of osteocytes
SW Verbruggen, TJ Vaughan, LM McNamara
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 9 (75), 2735-2744, 2012
Perspective on post-menopausal osteoporosis: establishing an interdisciplinary understanding of the sequence of events from the molecular level to whole bone fractures
LM McNamara
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7 (44), 353-372, 2010
The effect of substrate stiffness, thickness, and cross-linking density on osteogenic cell behavior
CA Mullen, TJ Vaughan, KL Billiar, LM McNamara
Biophysical journal 108 (7), 1604-1612, 2015
Osteocyte differentiation is regulated by extracellular matrix stiffness and intercellular separation
CA Mullen, MG Haugh, MB Schaffler, RJ Majeska, LM McNamara
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 28, 183-194, 2013
Stem cell mechanobiology and the role of biomaterials in governing mechanotransduction and matrix production for tissue regeneration
SM Naqvi, LM McNamara
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 8, 597661, 2020
Quantification of fluid shear stress in bone tissue engineering scaffolds with spherical and cubical pore architectures
F Zhao, TJ Vaughan, LM McNamara
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 15 (3), 561-577, 2016
Stress-concentrating effect of resorption lacunae in trabecular bone
LM McNamara, JC Van der Linden, H Weinans, PJ Prendergast
Journal of biomechanics 39 (4), 734-741, 2006
Multiscale fluid–structure interaction modelling to determine the mechanical stimulation of bone cells in a tissue engineered scaffold
F Zhao, TJ Vaughan, LM Mcnamara
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 14, 231-243, 2015
Strength of cancellous bone trabecular tissue from normal, ovariectomized and drug-treated rats over the course of ageing
LM McNamara, AGH Ederveen, CG Lyons, C Price, MB Schaffler, ...
Bone 39 (2), 392-400, 2006
Bone cell mechanosensation of fluid flow stimulation: a fluid–structure interaction model characterising the role integrin attachments and primary cilia
TJ Vaughan, CA Mullen, SW Verbruggen, LM McNamara
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 14, 703-718, 2015
A three-scale finite element investigation into the effects of tissue mineralisation and lamellar organisation in human cortical and trabecular bone
TJ Vaughan, CT McCarthy, LM McNamara
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 12, 50-62, 2012
Simulation of self expanding transcatheter aortic valve in a realistic aortic root: implications of deployment geometry on leaflet deformation
PS Gunning, TJ Vaughan, LM McNamara
Annals of biomedical engineering 42, 1989-2001, 2014
An In Vitro Evaluation of the Impact of Eccentric Deployment on Transcatheter Aortic Valve Hemodynamics
PS Gunning, N Saikrishnan, LM McNamara, AP Yoganathan
Annals of biomedical engineering 42, 1195-1206, 2014
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